Time no Time

Time no Time

8 May 2016

timenotime eurielle com 2
Courtesy eurielle.com


Inside Time

Milliseconds drip


Whirling fast

Within warped universes

That leave head spinning


Under Time

The silence echoes

Wasted thoughts

Daily tasks

Withered in suns as she basks

Outlines twined shadows


The humdrum

It stretches worthless

Sunken fear

Opposed rising

The mind and thought surmising

Through opposite peaks


Across Time

Walking gingerly

Guided path

Mentor flies

Following with downcast eyes

Avoiding the wrath


Outside Time

Proportions vary

All dilates

Written slates

Matter less when we become

Light’s transient beings


Time no Time

All the dead people

They party

Pale corpses

They make merry with shut eyes

When sight sees not lies


Reading of the poem: 

timenotime eurielle com
Courtesy eurielle.com

City of the Dead – Eurielle

Rescue me – Eurielle

Lament for Thorin – Eurielle

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