Promise of the meek

Promise of the meek
24 May 2024

Luscious lips
encounter dry world
Stranger sips
what is hurled
He knows not what is at stake
on following snake

Venom spat
on my face is moved
hails a start
wincing smart
my body falls on the mat
a beggar to be approved

I make signs
as wilting frame sighs
I repeat
all the lies
my heart beats drum in retreat
as chest realigns

Stranger goads
the Earth falls in line
Dark crossroads
growing vine
they point to junction unread
where sum of me bled

I hear noise
of poles collapsing
as my hands
cut through toys
soldiers again relapsing
from fear of the lands

The Goddess
she saves the Kingdom
embalms me
molten three
a picture of her to come
wear me earthly dress

She shatters
known recollection
weaving suns
morrow’s sons
their brides revealed in tatters
wayward reaction

I will might
it possesses me
gathered slight
my mind a strange cathedral
where seekers roam free

Mind disjoint
errors of judgement
they imbibed
crystal balls from where I point
to future described

A lone swan
I hide my feathers
until dawn
breaks my wings
I purchased my reckonings
from days of others

Now hold still
as truth unravels
wicked ones
that death shuns
moving with corpse that travels
for life to instill

The brave look
gaze fiercer than light
it lingers
on fingers
laden on an offered cheek
promise of the meek

Reading of the poem:
Silent Witness – Eleven Moons

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