Primitive reorganised

Primitive reorganised

2 September 2016

streams pinterest com 4 (2)


Futile world

Throbbing to the beat

Of unseen

Hands too keen

To smite rather than unite

Split not gather sheep


Buried deep

Resolutions dead

Woolly head

Wobbly knees

Eye barely grasps what it sees

The mind lost distant


Quick to bite

A dog eat dog world

Wolves galore

Woman whore

The man with the largest jaws

Rabies a constant


Stand at ease

Your meek mind appease

None to please

Weak to tease

I gave up flicking through fleas

On bedraggled skin


Holy din

The prayer excuse

Will to use

Right abuse

Curdled blood my veins perfuse

Madness does bemuse


Skipping through

Primitive reorganised

Leaping frogs

Follow lead

The rest sit wallow in greed

They burn in two suns


Reading of the poem: 

streams pinterest com 6

Tribal – Instinct Primitif Intidhar Kammarti

Orange Rose – Instinct Primitif

Voyage en Orient – Instinct Primitif


Follow flight of birds

Follow flight of birds

4 March 2016

bride loverofsadness net


Mother wakes

Shaking off the crusts

From past wounds

Stretching taut

We receive havoc we brought

With our tiny hands


Tall splendour

She unfolds her gait

Ninth wonder

Defines her

Moving through Eleventh gate

Lava and thunder


Molten breath

She trembles and heaves

With the tides

As she rides

Brings upon us Mercy’s death

Split faith her stallion


birds thedemobay com


The blind screech

They cling to tatters

Dying leech

Mind flatters

While the seeing heart scatters

The law of Talion


birds sunnysup com


The children

Survivors of wreck

They sail lone

No captain

Only ghosts upon the deck

As they whimper lost


birds pooyingka com


We reborn

From scattered blue coil


Past glory

Huddled in ship hear story

Of ancestors’ toil




Now rejoice

I will remind you

How we fled


Leaving behind us sorrow

Shedding it like leaves


Nasal voice

Through Time’s loudspeaker

Calls for me

Warning shrill

It transforms to wing my gill

Splitting the ethers


Hurry child

Follow flight of birds

They head South

Where waters

Split through the red desert storms

Basking in two suns


Reading of the poem: 

birds sott net

Terra Firma – Delerium

Myth – Delerium

Just a Dream – Delerium

Wisdom – Delerium

Lamentation – Delerium

Aria – Delerium

Angelicus / Epiphany – Delerium

The Sky – Delerium feat. Kristy Thirsk

Till the End of Time – Delerium