In golden glory

In golden glory

16 August 2017

golden-girl pinterest com 4


Rake me vice

From purest device

Northern cap

Fingers wrap

Ice cold times will await me

When I wake again


Taking turns

In kaleidoscope

I am you

I am eye

Everything that flows

Between glares and glows


Hush baby

The gardens are ripe

With your tears

We create

Forests where dragon appears

In golden glory


Reading of the poem: 

golden pinterest com 3

Through the veil – Diane Arkenstone

Disembodied souls

Disembodied souls

10 August 2016

souls pinterest com 3


The cliffside narrows in thundering sea

The twist and the turn alternating roles

Hearts will and then spurn sunrise and black holes

Of bliss and gallows homicidal glee


Sleepless eye hollows ashen face to flee

The embers that burn in the dying coals

The memories that churn disembodied souls

In flowing shadows on renewal spree


The maidens attire a silken slow tale

Of morrows weaving bare hilltops to mount

Millennium’s desire era to inhale


Blue chest bereaving the fear to surmount

The flames of the pyre in thoughts never pale

Of minds conceiving a lifetime to count


Reading of the poem: 

souls pinterest com 4

A Thousand Years – Sting

A Thousand Years – Cristina Perri

Yellow Sunflower

Yellow Sunflower
31 October 2015

horizon blisstree com

Yellow Sunflower
Always turns towards the sun
When it scorches most

It is the nature
Of flowers that draw on sun
To set it ablaze

Sunflowers retain
Through dazzling yellow pitch black
That draws in sun’s rays

Even sun must die
Small deaths over horizon
But rise shine again

Bliss woman of endor com