Rediscovered lens

Rediscovered lens

14 March 2017

first light 16 

You in me

Like eternity

Waking three

In twenty

Tugging at the coils free

Whisper to the tree


Bound to date

Congruence inflate

Skin is late

To translate

Venom creeping on the plate

The will to dilate


Shapes so queer

Popping through veneer

Veins that peer

Through the sheer

They believe it comes through fear

Knowledge of the seer


Leap in stance

Weather where I glance

Trail in dance

Up I prance

Wind and water holding hands

Particle that lands


Restored sight

Twin set in twilight

Black in white

Light in night

Wiggling through the coloured light

Shining on us bright


Giggling hens

Rediscovered lens

White rimmed fence

Picket whence

Quantum soup that boiled dense

Trickled from my pens


Reading of the poem:


Vinegar & Salt – Hooverphonic

2 Wicky – Hooverphonic

Mad about You – Hooverphonic