Like a twin answering me

Like a twin answering me

28-29 March 2015



Birds flocked together

Wings outstretched soaring so high

Dark dots in blue skies

Cyan thoughts in indigo

Roared to the front of my mind


Its boughs vibrant red

The bougainvillea awoke

Flowers bursting through

As spring blossomed so did I

In rapture of oncoming


Eyelids closed looked through

The curtains of the unknown

To worlds beneath wraps

Hidden universes leapt

Into mind’s inner callings


Birds of paradise

Within struts of many choose

Calling to their mate

You hear my call and call back

Like a twin answering me


Questions, anger, pour

Like salt into bleeding wounds

Scorching births twin selves

Amidst flames of remembrance

Souls’ eyes meet unwavering


Sun soothing cast rays

Of mellow and healing warmth

Birds sang merrily

Time came for celebration

As dark and light united
