

15 May 2018

Hush George Redhawk


Hush she said and the woods were silent. The pitter-patter of raindrops a deafening sound covering her waning heartbeat. Hush she said and the rain softly subsided, an occasional drop on a leaf resounding like a thud in her head. Hush she said and the leaves ceased caressing the wind, their whispers fading into the rising dusk. Hush she said and the blood in her veins slowed tenfold until she could hear the drip like a background music to the occasional flap of wings of a cawing crow shaking off the rain. Hush she said and the darkness engulfed her with its palpable silence like a long forgotten and well-worn cloak. Hush she said her eyes finally closing, her soul softly embracing the dark night.


Reading of the short story: 

Wilderness – Adam Hurst



Tabula rasa

Tabula rasa

17 July 2016

tabularasa Prismatic-Waves-Starburst-Psychedelic


Brutal happenings

Dissolution of a life

Identity swept


Right off the gridlines

Not a temporary stance

A move off the dance


Five six seven eight

The exercise continues

Replacement dons shoes


Four three two and one

Count no more for it is done

The clock ticks onward



The resolutions taken

In past extensions


Pour me a nightcap

Resolutions lack resolve

When ceilings cave in


Oceans covered din

Thunders of a hundred waves

Sealed the leaking tap


Trains and boats sink fast

The fish venture unabashed

Reverse aquarium


Meek summer nights stall

My quaking communication

A guilt to recall


The water the fall

Can you see what I must see

Blinding waterfall


Disconnected straits

Bridges of desolation

Pathways for the dead


They crawl slow around

Inconsolable white light

The sob heaving chest


The city crushes

The will of bleak emptiness

I yearn for forests


Within the jungle

Only one kind of law rules

No constricted schools


Unmanned the learning

When the forests are burning

All animals flee


When all are equal

In problems solutions lie

The friend in rival


Give me the blind eye

Let me treasure ignorance

That seeps as I sigh


Humanity’s pains

Grit my teeth shatter my bones

Survival in clones


Twirl me a new leaf

Grant me renunciation

Turn me the tables


Tabula rasa

When all is said and undone

Back to the square one


Reading of the poem: 

tabularasa pinterest com

μάνος χατζιδάκις – Ερωτική άσκηση για 2

μάνος Χατζιδάκις Σ’ Αγαπώ αλίκη καγιαλόγλου

Manos Xatzidakis – Gioconda’s Smile

If we’re One

If we’re One

12 April 2016

flowerwoman Lyse Marion ego-alterego com
Courtesy Marion Lyse on

They chant it

They say we are One

They clamour

Beat their chests

Take part in social unrests

Yet they eat alone


If we’re One

Why do lines surround

Your being

Your castles

Trees upon which leaf rustles

Asking to be heard


If we’re One

Why does your stack pile

While ours wanes

Tell me now

Last in first out or other

We seem another


If we’re One

Tell me why they growl

Taut bellies

That rumble

The beliefs within crumble

Bleak noise submerges


If we’re One

When you aim at me

Is it Love

That I see

At the tip of pointed gun

A toy illusion


If we’re One

Will your heart recall

All we were

In dreamtime

Will you rise when I will fall

Like waves within sea?


Reading of the poem:  

cold yevgeniawatts com

On Love – Khalil Gibran

Reason and passion – Khalil Gibran

Farewell – Khalil Gibran


The Far meets the Close and the Everything in Between

The Far meets the Close and the Everything in Between

12 November 2015

earthstillness5 pinterest com


Heavenly rays unfolded Blue

Hues of every colour in eye did dilate


fire 1ms net


Infinity’s dancing paces glowed

Breaking continuum, Myriad of stars sunsets


embrace pinstopin com


Glint of reflection in eyes that seethe

Haggard dances of drunken measures, silent grief


asifa xenavictorian wordpress com


Surging memories flames that dance anew

Time immemorial hands awash, free, remained black slate


aurora sites psu edu


Night watch, a vigil of time that flowed

Pacing in mind the passing days that the Heart resets


chained woman2 pinterest com


A slow walk, book of sorrows I breathe

My prison within me, breath momentary relief


11666233_503075516524393_4772985097259559666_n pinterest com


Fallen from Tree, cold grounds, withered leaf

Wisdom, the pain of the baby relentless I teethe


A part of me large


Light of Cathedrals my mind besets

Day of Light, the Winter’s fall in my Heart darkness snowed


colour abstract desktopnexus com


Cutlery drawn let’s eat from same plate

Of Moulin Rouge, Toulouse, desires Drew


colour braidrunner com JoshDunnSunset_zpsc24cf095
Courtesy Josh Dunn on


Hibernation, by the Red made brief

Memories of snow, of fall, of wilderness, do I sheathe?


blue tree pinterest com


Trinity rises, Trinity sets

Unstable balance, knowing not who steered and who rowed


10897892_10204891135934074_2326730081750462604_n pinterest com


The farther the Love, closer the spate

No numbers, only Heart was response, this Heart now knew


10647097_10204900752934493_2059636571951956034_n pinterest com


For as the mind would will it thirteen

The Far meets the Close and the Everything in Between


Alchemy of terra woman pinterest com

Erik Satie- Gymnopedie #1

Erik Satie – Danses De Travers I, II, & III

Erik Satie – Danses Gothiques

Erik Satie … VEXATIONS [excerpt I] (1893)

Erik Satie: Nocturnes (Pascal Rogé)

Erik Satie: Gnossienne No. 4, 5

Erik Satie: Pièces Froides (Reinbert De Leeuw)

Erik Satie: Ogives (Reinbert de Leeuw)

Satie – Je te veux

Satie – Nocturne No 4

Satie – Trois Sarabande

Erik Satie: Gnossienne No. 1, 2, 3

The Painted Veil – Love Scene – Gnossienne 1