Night engulf me like satin

Night engulf me like satin

1 October 2015

night pinterest com 3


Let me feel your spark

Night engulf me like satin

With taste of exile


Beating at lids’ rhythm

The heart cries, so slowly dies

And I brood awhile


No time for fretting

Pick up notes of melody

Recompose in style


night pinterest com 4


Look into abyss

Forget bliss of yesteryears

All false smiles beguile


night 04658128030251186342 blogspot com


This real means nothing

The void’s clamour grows in me

Time to fly agile


Illusion’s schism

Destinies paths fork through eyes

A choice so fragile


Let me feel your dark

Night engulf me like satin

Smother me hostile


night hdimagelib com (2)

Come Age of the Heart Wisdom

Come Age of the Heart Wisdom

5 September 2015

love kiyo fineart com
Courtesy kiyo on
love mariska karto nonsensesociety com
Courtesy Mariska Karto


Darkness will bend back

Towards the light in a kiss

None other will miss


Fear will embrace Hope

The Source of all, all unites

As bees still in minds


The riddles of past

Will shine in eye of morrows

As they spell future


Two sides of one coin

Will then blend to melt alike

Fusion diffusion


love marisha karto bizarrebeyondbelief com
Courtesy Mariska Karto


Zero-point will strike

We will walk without shadows

With all but the fear


Blossom grows in Hearts

That spirits’ true nature know

Twin Souls in One love


The seeds have been sown

Come Age of the Heart Wisdom

Colour the Earth green


You and I as all

Will walk in the green meadows

Where lions eat grass


knot deviantart com 3
lion youtubecom kolkata zoo
Courtesy kolkata zoo from