Random walk

Random walk

25 March 2017

flower david galstyan pinterest com 10
Courtesy David Galstyan on pinterest.com


Single tone

The ring of your voice

In my head

Like undead

Flowers gardeners behead

Regain new stem life


Undone strife

Unsheathed once the knife

Safely tucked

As they clucked

Disapproval a constant

Dissonant assent


Once buried

Hare and mice scurried

To the fence

For tuppence

The show a manner of calls

That dead man recalls


Sing the night

Through the larky day

They saw hay

We saw green

The hue somewhere in between

Our truths and their lies


The baby cries

When the milk turns sour

Jaded hour

Wane power

Cities where eyes look lower

Thank meekest sunsets


Waste regrets

On the living mouths

Double talk

Random walk

On brink of togetherness

Living in caress


Reading of the poem: 

flower f-dog net (2)
Courtesy f-dog.net

Take me somewhere nice – Mogwai

Waking within the Heartpath

Waking within the Heartpath

27 September 2015

lap modernfunutilities com
Courtesy modernfunutilities.com


You combed soft my hair

Strand by strand separating

The old from the new


Some had grown new roots

Some lay on brink of falling

But all you caressed


Weary from the day

I put my head on your lap

We breathed in the night


The touch of your palm

A cool presence on my brow

Prelude to kisses


The Heart to Heart spoke

In recognition of bond

Blessed Eternity


From disturbed slumber

Waking within the Heartpath

Experience bliss

lap modernfunutilities com (2)
Courtesy modernfunutilities.com

Only Love makes Perfect Sense

Only Love makes Perfect Sense

15 September 2015

come youtube com 2
Courtesy YouTube.com


A whiff of your scent

Captures my aching nostrils

Signals our parting


The taste of your lips

In heated argument roam

Provoking my own


Your footsteps echo

As they slowly fade away

From my memories


The glory of you

Between Dark and Light

Your faceless presence


come walkingwithvision com
Courtesy walkingwithvision.com


The feel of your hands

Deliberate and loving

Lost in our caress


All this forever

Planted in our DNA

Fickle cell mutates


Height of Senses: ache!

Within your torrid embrace

Height of Senses? Love!


Forsake all Senses

Only Love makes Perfect Sense

Make it Only Sense


come youtube com
Courtesy YouTube.com