In the gold of alchemist

In the gold of alchemist

8 August 2017

gold synergetic qabala 2
Courtesy Synergetic Qabala


Shining lines

Covet lightened shrines

Come hither

We cloak selves

In the gold of alchemist

Leaving copper trail


Trade my faith

Thousand bolts under

Thunder’s call

Tall to wraith

The subdued versions recall

Memories of the fall



Will bring me ember

Of moon’s death

Slow sun’s breath

A tale to remake amber

Jaded tiger’s eyes


Reading of poem: 

gold synergetic qabala
Courtesy Synergetic Qabala

In search – Manish Vyas



3 August 2017

Humbug merrygoround


The merry-go-round kept taking on new passengers as it twirled around the park, loosened from its bolts. Some passengers stepped gratefully onto it and some were whisked onto it without the intention of being there at all. Sally watched as those who did not mean to get onto the wild gamepod struggled to get out and even achieve any balance at all. It was not a vengeful, baleful or resenting watch but rather one tainted with the inequitable curiosity of the one who had the upper hand in a game with no rules.

As she watched, one or two passengers were able to get off the merry-go-round but for now around 15 remained locked onto its surface which seemed quite akin to a shaking ship’s deck. Most had adapted their composure to that of the pod and were therefore not affected by its mad shaking. Sally smiled as she slowly released the trigger on the pod’s initiate mod and engaged the throttle. The pod burst into a crystal version of itself and one of the passengers turned around to engage Sally in an eye contest as the pod took off.

« I thought you said to the wild in Africa » he said

« The real wild is out there in the skies or down under in the water » said Sally. « We have better material for exploring the skies than the waters which we also believe less apt to provide us with solutions », she continued.

The man shook his head. You are a terrible humbug he said.

Hmmm… Humbug, she said and thought. That is an interesting label. I think I will brace and embrace it, she said.



Carousel — Image by © Image Source/Corbis


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