Now that the trail has gone cold

Now that the trail has gone cold

15 November 2015

trail lovethispic com 45717-Woman-And-Seashell


In the beginning

Time washed me on empty shores

Shell of air that hung


She breathed me Fire

Mother wove me from her womb

Golden thread for stars


She covered me clay

Rising tides her Oceans spent

Nights on my dark hair


trail pinterest com 2

. .

She swelled me tremors

Beating Heart she raised me high

Tidal waves my blood


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She kneaded me bread

The black and the white she joined

Every mouth to feed


I wake in her ice

Now that the trail has gone cold

Heart follows her scent

Only my Mother

Scent of Jasmine knew her feet

Ambrosian Life


trail pinterest com spirit of love


The Cranberries – Zombie

The Cranberries – Dreams

The Cranberries – Animal Instinct



You live deep in me

You live deep in me

14 September 2015

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Steadfast is your Love

Through the oceans it survives

The turbulent floods


A Knight knows valour

Courage is his dominion

Love his only scope


Bear in soul our flag

Distant volcano’s thunder

It spells my Love. Hark!


Jesters may hop, dance

Their sight mere entertainment

Their presence confined


Only your pure Heart

Can feed to me the solace

That my Heart thirsts for


My arrow strikes straight

Cupid arms my Heart’s eyesight

With whispers of you


This bond outlives Time

Though I may not see your Face

You live deep in me

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Juliet’s dream – Abel Korzeniowski