Rubbing off the chalk

Rubbing off the chalk

31 January 2024
Courtesy vecteezy

I run down
steep memory lane
It eases
fleeting pain
I gather insight within
statement paper thin

Life’s path
etched in white drawings
shining through
clouds’ clearings
my inner sight piercing blue
shadows on snow white

I will walk
concentric circles
setting truth
where lies talk
overcoming the hurdles
rubbing off the chalk

Reading of the poem:
Messiah Project – Error Maya Life Goes On

Redesigning the future

Redesigning the future

30 January 2024

In prayers
I hear the Goddess
She speaks strong
twin voices
They resonate within soul
path where I belong

My birthright
piles through centuries
gifted skin
now akin
to scales of dragon’s body
harbours golden dawn

Pencil drawn
sketches shades of me
foregone hues
reds and blues
redesigning the future
for heart to nurture

Reading of the poem:
Law of THR3E – Past Lives

Trees of Holy Land

Trees of Holy Land
25 January 2024

Summon me

yesterday’s servants

now returned

war merchants

Glassy pupil fakes bleak tears

hypocrite’s arrears

Call with me

on yesterday’s boon

for brethren

gone too soon

The promise based on cross red

heathen blood to shed

Write with me

the will and the want

slanted curves

wrecking nerves

stories for our peers to haunt

lone on quaking knee

Bear with me

burden of anvil

beaten brow

horror show

repeating in opposites

cruelty of misfits

Stand with me

in time’s chronicles

while we sum

fate to come

fledglings harnessing the facts

bygone artefacts

Noah’s ark

built into the bark

treasures rise

for the wise

with the Goddess we demand

Trees of Holy Land

Reading of the poem:

Laura Wright - Jerusalem

Staying in the light

Staying in the light

21 January 2024

Witch’s rune
Course on silver moon
Earthen boon
shown too soon
Pied piper blowing new tune
for maiden to swoon

Lesson heed
know flower from weed
Darkness creed
fear to feed
blossoms growing from the seed
self a silken reed

Hold the night
within bosom tight
Bask in sight
lily white
keep your daily helper sprite
staying in the light

Reading of the poem:
Björk : losss

The Cleopatra Tales 12: Adoration of Osiris

The Cleopatra Tales 12: Adoration of Osiris

19-20 January 2024
Reading of the Egyptian text:
Great God within Abydos, 

King of eternity,
Lord of everlasting,
traversing millions of years in the duration of his life.
Eldest son of the womb of Nut.
Engendered by Seb the chief,
Lord of the Ureret crown,
loft of the white crown, Prince of Gods and men,
He hath received the crook and flail and the dignity of His fathers.
Mighty is he exceedingly and great in terror is His name that of Osiris
He endureth forever and everlasting in His name of Un Nefer.

Homage to thee,
King of Kings,
Lord of Lords,
Prince of Princes.
Possesser of the earth from the womb of Nut.
He hath ruled all lands and Aukert.
Golden of limbs.
Blue of head.
Emerald upon both of his sides.
An of millions of years,
extended of body,
Beautiful of face in TaSert.
My heart of my coming into being.
May there not be resistance to me in judgement.

May they not make thy separation from me in the presence of the possessor of the scales.
Thou are my soul within my body which formeth and strengthened my limbs.
Mayest thou come forth to the place of happiness, I advance there.
May not make my name to stink.
Who make men and women to be in stability, Pleasant it is for us
pleasant it is to hear gladness of heart at the weighing of words
Verily how great will be thou rising up in triumph. I have come and I have destroyed the defects for Osiris

I am building His standard which cometh forth from the crown.
I have eased the pain of Osiris
I have made to balance His standard, I have made the way I become strong, coming into being according to what He hath said, turning back thy face,
I make the way, I pass over it.
I make the purification of Osiris
Make thou for me ways all prosperous before me.
Natacha Atlas - Kidda

For frost to invite

For frost to invite

17-18 January 2024
Winter fell

over my bare arms
chilled unions
meant to quell
It released its extrusions
ornate frills and charms

My heart stilled
time bomb in my bones
The future
that it hones
a small ice age to nurture
frozen times distilled

I jump hoops
within rigid plains
Weather scoops
my remains
I am painted icy white
for frost to invite

Reading of the poem:
Natacha Atlas | Maktub |

Ever uprooted

Ever uprooted

14 January 2024
Courtesy Naomi Novik

Break my back
contour me yellow
Sum me up
Sun me down
Funnel me through the dreamtime
flowing and mellow

Steer me through
madness of the times
where only
my pale rhymes
lift me through the coursing fires
of will that transpires

midnight owl hooted
Eyes to skies
toes recant
Face and feet on upward slant
Ever uprooted

Reading of the poem:
E M E L - Holm (A Dream) (Official Video)

Rewritten by spars

Rewritten by spars

13 January 2024

Wars are waged
against the other
terror raged
Helpless victims not fleeing:
the child and mother

The world skids
unparalleled turns
Spirit takes
what it yearns
for downtrodden mind’s dismay
stays being of clay

I feel night
mining my insides
like acid
eating skin
It feels like giant within
with murderous strides

The blood pours
over my feelings
It oozes
through my pores
my body a map of scars
rewritten by spars

Reading of the poem:
I Didnt Know – Karima Nayt

Union to rejoice

Union to rejoice

4 January 2024

It begins

riding slow the waves

to tackle


I Goddess receptacle

splitting my mind’s caves

In dichotomy

lies the solution

One to one


neurons and cells composing

her inside myself

Stay within

seek our communion

says her voice

within me

There is no reason to flee

Union to rejoice

Reading of the poem:
День рождения Трайбл Мафии - Tiana Frolkina - Tribal Fusion