Integrating me

Integrating me
31 October 2021

Shine on bright
shine on me your light
eyes witness
they pulse through the throbbing mind
seeping out of lids

The pathways 
they twirl and spin on
through neurons
in memory cells rewind
black of my matter

the new dominions
the lashes
in flashes
set the ground for dilution
integrating me

Reading of the poem:
Shadows - Giovanni Marradi

Germs in each corner

Germs in each corner
13-14 October 2021

New virus attacked
Roll of thunder announced it;
connected minds roared

The disease flared through
Decay spread through synapses;
infection rumbled

Head counted microbes
The future resounded through
the boom of the bugs

Germs in each corner
Spelt name of a new species
that grumbled through space

Reading of the poem:
Azam Ali - PHANTOMS 
Written in the context of Ronovan writes weekly haiku challenge using the words “bug”, “rumble” or their synonyms. More on the rules and other poets’ contribution here.

The sea progresses

The sea progresses
1 October 2021
The winds carried me
delicate wings fluttering
in ascent of skies

Dark clouds gathered tight
In graceful touch of the night
while the moons surged sleek

The days’ rise upturned
sunlit landscapes glittered white
The tides washed the beach

Sparkling sugar straits
reflections of sandy slopes
swell under the sun

Bright eyes stretch inwards
gathering the suns rays’ kiss
irises spotless

The sea progresses
my body in solemn vow
meets dizzy waves’ pull

Reading of the poem
Niyaz - Arzusun
Written in the context of Ronovan writes weekly haiku challenge using the words “clean”, “rise” or their synonyms. More on the rules and other poets’ contribution here