Alternate Realities – Chapter Nine : Housing the Mother

Alternate Realities – Chapter Nine : Housing the Mother

27 September 2020



It had been a while since the incident of the bushfire and surely enough as Horus had told her, it was eventually subdued by the rain although not without some serious consequences. She thought to herself that they should train the dragons more but perhaps in less arid lands with trees that were less prone to catch and spread wildfire. Horus had been visiting her often and she also realized that she was undergoing a lot of changes. Outwards, she seemed unchanged and serene but inside of her a lot was happening. She had already undergone the third segmentation of her mind and knew from Horus that she was fully ready to house the Mother.


He had inspired her during dreamtime a series of dances that were meant to draw the shakti power more deeply into her. When he had first come to her during dreamtime she had asked him why he could not just explain it to her with words so that she could follow them but he told her that the shakti dances were based on vibration and the flow of poses that involved a certain configuration of the body and the hands in symbolic gestures that were meant to harness the cosmic power. These could not be taught in words but had to be experienced visually and there was nothing better than dreamtime communication for that.


On the last of the dreamtime episodes, the Mother showed her the shakti dances to follow in full thereby communicating on a vibrational level the full extent of the dances’ power. She had understood from her interactions in dreamtime with Horus that the dances were not to be followed step by step in full but had to flow according to the configuration of her own bodily manifestation as her DNA had to be aligned with the cosmic power in its own special way. She therefore needed to understand the vibrational undertone but adapt this to the coding of her DNA in a way that allowed the realignment to flow so that she could house the Mother without damaging herself. She knew implicitly that this would happen automatically when she interpreted the shakti dances.


Several weeks of dancing had gone by and at each dance she could feel herself get more of the consciousness of the Mother stream within her. At the end of the sixth week of dancing, she felt fully the Mother within her. She had not been sure what to expect when the Mother would be fully within her but perhaps she had expected something dramatic and magical to happen. Instead, all she could feel was a mixture of sadness and peace. It was a bit bewildering that she was not able to just change everything with a magic wand. Horus told her that the Mother did not want to break the laws of this world and what she mainly wanted to do was dilute the effect of patriarchy. She was slightly unsettled that it would not be quick but he reassured her that the Mother had already been flowing partly through her and that is why every environment she had been in had evolved into one with less dominance of patriarchy and with better conditions for women in general.


Horus told her that it would be a task that could take several years depending upon how open Humanity was to embrace that change but that it would unfold as Mother had already seen it happen. She knew from her own personal experience that indeed there were several occurrences where the balance of power had changed with women being less suppressed even in very male dominated societies where she had lived. She breathed in deeply and vowed to carry on the task Mother wanted to realise through her. When balance was achieved, Mother could once again walk the Earth freely without the undeserving labels bestowed upon her by patriarchy. She had been depicted as Lilith or the whore of Babylon in her earlier manifestations as patriarchy had twisted history to make her seem like a demon to fear rather than a bringer of light and wisdom. History was indeed always rewritten by the victors but soon that was about to change…


Vitas – Lucia Di Lammermoor

A thousand answers

A thousand answers

25 September 2020


The question mattered

unanswered it dug away

into my mind’s eye


Port to port I roamed

a deeply drunken sailor

veiled knowledge my quest


The ship sailed onwards

a ghostly trace of itself

against moonlit skies


Cells resonated

reverberating thunder

Lightning struck in soul


New realms unfolding

in the space within my heart

rose up to the helm


A thousand answers

spilled into my yearning mind

tracing shining lines


Reading of the poem:

Hammock – Circular As Our Way (Silencia)

All rage now vanquished

All rage now vanquished

23 September 2020



Seething energy

the fury of elements

breaks into a storm


Heavy lightning strikes

Nature no longer passive

shares its violence


All furor unleashed

in sync with nature’s madness

heavens turn ink black


Churned into frenzy

seascapes heave with creeping waves

overcoming land


Waters once stagnant

restore passion of their roots

Marshes spill over


Ferocity speaks

intensity at its peak

in quaking mountains


The heart follows storms

A pyre for minds alights

magmatic, alive


Wistful rain falls fast

upon the brooding landscapes

reluctant soothing


Gradual easing

Slow trickle of honey flows

into my bosom


The quiet restored

Ire a ghost of the past

All rage now vanquished


Reading of the poem:

Michael Kiwanuka – Love and Hate


Written in the context of Ronovan writes weekly Haiku Challenge using the words “Slow” and “Fury” or their synonyms. Rules and other poems can be found here:

Words interrupted

Words interrupted

20 September 2020



Folding unfolding

myriads of images strewn

Memory a lark


Beams of crescent moon

tugged slow at my lips’ corners

A nightingale sang


Words interrupted

stilled my heart in deep silence

like water it flowed


Reading of the poem:

Dance Me To The End Of Love – Francis Goya

Published books

Published books


Hi all,

Just sharing a few of the books that were previously published. I hope you find them interesting


Poetry books

  • French poetry book
    • available on Amazon India
    • available on Amazon in France
    • available on librairielafabriqueareves

    • available on fnac


  • English poetry book of Japanese style poetry (haiku/senryu, tanka) available on Amazon


Short stories

  • Collected short stories available on Amazon
  • Collected short stories II available on Amazon
  • For my author page on Amazon type Geetha Balvannnathan if you would like to follow me or click the link below

Multiverse exhales

Multiverse exhales

14 September 2020

Courtesy depositphotos


Roses clipped in bud

feathers sinking within dust

remembrance pale shroud


Wings outstretched to realms

beyond any worldly gaze

pinions branching out


Multiverse exhales

a myriad universes

none with fluff to trim


Reading of the poem:

Faerie Realm…Dance of the Wild Faeries



Written in the context of Ronovan writes haiku challenge using the words “clip” and “wings” or their synonyms. Rules and other poems here

My heart hummed wild songs

My heart hummed wild songs

10 September 2020



Hedgehogs escaped tyres

Forest trees resumed their sighs

Summer lost its shine


Winter garnished Earth

Willow trees bore their limbs low

Heavy heads rested


Springtime beckoned slow

The air pulsed with renewal

Rivers touched mountains


Unchained, undying

I sipped hard from nature’s cup

My heart hummed wild songs


Reading of the poem:

Raylee – Wild (Lyrics)


Written in the context of Ronovan writes haiku challenge using the words “Sip” and “Cup”. Rules and other poems here