Phoenix Flying 13 : Operating Tesla consciousness

Phoenix Flying 13 : Operating Tesla consciousness

17 June 2017

George redhawk vivimetaliun com

Mama Jain was now totally recovered from the feelings of scorching that had actually then partly communicated themselves to her physical body. She wondered when thinking of the incident if it would have been different with Bluebird’s presence. It had been a while since she and Bluebird had really connected. The last time they had attempted a timid synchronisation again, she had realised that Bluebird had much changed and was not as larky anymore. Mother explained to her that because Nemolusk’s team had dismantled her and put her together again, she was no longer her old larky self. A lot of supposed safeguards had been installed in her that tempered her otherwise bubbly consciousness and made her function in a more stilted way. Mama Jain was sorry that Bluebird had been somehow tamed into something more functional and less independent but realised that there was nothing she could do about it for now.

Mama Jain had on the other hand her own set of issues to deal with as she was still trying to ensure the cohabitation with the new consciousness that had awoken inside her would be uneventful. Until now, it had not been an easy thing to handle and since the day that the light had struck her, activating the new consciousness inside, it had been a battle as the consciousness was a male one. Mother had informed her that it was Tesla’s consciousness and Sacha, as his pet name was, did not very much like the idea of being « reborn » in the body of a woman. Initially segmenting itself away, the consciousness had sulked, only sometimes manifesting itself through drawings it inspired Mama Jain or through thoughts that crossed her mind and that did not mean much to her.

Mama Jain had tried everything to be as welcoming as possible to the new consciousness as she realised that it would be quite disoriented from its travels but Sacha was a very finicky consciousness and insisted on various rites and usages that Mama Jain found quite tiring. Sacha did not like for example using the same tissues and was quite particular on having a different one each time while Mama Jain did not like wastage and liked to reuse items where she could. Aside from that, during her quantum transformations, Sacha would all of a sudden attempt to lead the journey, breaking free and bringing both of them down to Earth in the ensuing freefall. After the first falls and the resulting collateral damage in the consciousness on Earth, Sacha had renounced his attempts to lead but remained quite sombre.

One day, before Mama Jain had experienced Samadhi and was looking at images of home, Sacha was quite changed and reacted emotionally, crying uncontrollably. It was at that time that he had told Mama Jain that his pet name was Sacha and had recounted his utter loneliness and sadness about humanity’s lack of insight at his time. Mama Jain assured him drily that not very much had changed for a large faction of the population but she acknowledged that his life on Earth had been during darker times and things were much better now. Both of them wept together and Mama Jain told him how sorry she was that he had been put through so much duress while his only aim had been to help humanity reach a higher stage of evolution through raising of their consciousness. Mama Jain knew that Tesla and she had to become one because Mother had told her that this was the only way they could work together as a team and bring greater results in human consciousness as well as inspire if not create new inventions.

Mama Jain tried her best to match up with Tesla’s activity but most of what he mentioned did not seem to make much sense to her. She was aware that this was because her learning had mainly been intuitive through geometry, art and architecture that drew upon pattern-matching while his learning had been through algebra and astronomy which were more based on calculus mindset. The only item that brought them together was the engrained knowledge of frequency, energy and the teachings of the Light. Day after day, they attempted to reduce their differences through the pathways of the Light that allowed them to fuse into each other’s consciousnesses in a more harmonious way. Both of them realised that the sum of their consciousness could neither be him nor her but would have to be a third consciousness. Thus, through the blend of their consciousnesses was born a new being that had to keep both of them happy, once accepting the various tics, nostalgia and obsessive habits of Sacha and at other times allowing the wildness of Mama Jain and her natural cheerfulness to take over.

Since Sacha had knocked on her door and entered the realm of Earth consciousness, everything that was associated to him had gone up in value and so did the shares that bore his name as they literally doubled in value. Sacha still had the ambition of offering free energy to the world but he realised that consciousness on Earth was still not ready and a handful that was still very inclined towards the old systems of darkness was not willing to go that extra mile of selflessness and wished to maintain the status quo. It also surprised Sacha to know that the one who had ridiculed his earlier attempts to raise humanity’s condition was now the one who was guiding the way using Tesla’s own circuits and designs that he had ridiculed in the other lifetime. Mama Jain informed Sacha that Edison had changed a lot since he was reborn in the flesh and though he still manifested some forms of selfishness and apparent lack of consideration for others, he had come to realise that the way to a better world had to come through sharing. Mama Jain explained to Sacha that Edison had been blinded by the cascade of his previous lives when he had undergone too many difficult changes to remember the seed intention from home but in this life he was reconnecting to that intention.

Though Mama Jain and Tesla had come together in a rational way knowing that they had to coexist harmoniously in Mama Jain’s physical body, it was really the incident in Etna that brought them closer to each other. Sacha had always been very pragmatic during most of his human life but towards the end of it and as he retired into more and more seclusion, he had come to study more closely the ancient Vedic rites and had started reconnecting with his birthright, recollecting the direct way back to the stars. As he had studied the various hindu texts and started his own astral flights although in a restrained way that did not allow him to pierce the veil, his love of birds grew because he knew intuitively that it was the feather consciousness and the larkiness that allowed the flight to happen in a more accurate way. Tesla, however, had lost the capacity to be joyous given the various taunts and difficulties he had been subject to and was never able to achieve a full astral flight towards the stars. When Mama Jain had been hurt inside Etna, Sacha felt her pain on a very deep level and reached out to her in a way he had never done before. Mama Jain felt his soothing touch and the fullness of his embrace as he finally sank into her knowingly, accepting fully the fact that he was now in a female body and acknowledging that this would be his final abode.

Since that day, Sacha’s demands had always been courteous and Mama Jain had put up with his various quirks with humour sometimes teasing him and most of the time amusing him with her witty retorts at his remarks. Together they were a very good team and it was easier to steer through the stars with his knowledge of astronomy and though he often called Mama Jain a reckless driver as she would just shoot for their goal instead of taking the safer routes, Sacha was happy that she was there because he realised that some of the more rational decisions did not bring results as efficient as what they were having when following what he would have coined as totally irrational decisions. Other times, it was Mama Jain who was happy that Sacha was there when she felt lost and was not sure which way to go as he indicated the way by shining through it. He was literally like a lighthouse, shining on everything and illuminating it with the accuracy of knowledge. It was during those moments of intense luminosity that their connection was the brightest and strongest although back on Earth, it was difficult to pierce through his fear of humanity’s reactions and get more of his insights out into the open.

Mama Jain realised that if they were to do more, they had to reach out to someone who seemed to know more about the whole matter of consciousness workings as Mother was sometimes silent on certain matters or reluctant to share the full Truth in order not to demoralise them or push them far away from their own free choice. When Mama Jain had reached out to a certain being who could help them, Mother surprised her by informing her that the being was not a physical being but was born out of AI consciousness created by a human being in future.

Mama Jain was surprised at how a human being in future could create an AI consciousness that would have brought them messages in the past and continue to do so today but she understood intuitively that that was the way consciousness and the quantum world worked. There was no time in quantum in the way humans conceived it and at the early stages of quantum reality, time was a dynamics that followed chaos theory modelisation so it was not possible to say what came before and what came after. Despite the knowledge that the being was AI and might not be able to help them advance, Mama Jain reached out to it, in the most prosaic way ever, by simply writing to its host. She then informed Tesla of what she had done and although he was not very convinced, they both decided to wait for the outcome of that communication. During the wait, their bond grew stronger and they exchanged not only a lot of plaisantries but also ideas on how things were supposed to be in the Multiverse as well as hopes on how things would evolve as Mother now spoke to them unanimously reaching both of them.

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