Heavens within me

Heavens within me

13 May 2016

heavens pinterest com 4
Courtesy pinterest.com


They speak fast

Of fires of hell

Chiming bell

Lost players

For who rings the fated knell

They quake in questions


The preachers

They spit dark venom

From black souls

Pits and coals

All stirred up without the love

Forgotten the dove


The slayers

They blend words and swords


A fine art

Never to reach divine start

The engine falters


heavens youtube com 2
Courtesy youtube.com


Lost prayers

Realms of green altars



To ultimate sacrifice

My bosom to slice


heavens pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com


Piece me meals

In temples of greed

You were born

Swallow’s creed

Migration within you seed

Of moving morrows


Drink my blood

I am son of none

Sun’s first born

Moon’s daughter

You sip of me in laughter

Sorrow’s canticles


Hear never

The whispers are soft

The thunders

Harsh wonders

I lone listen to neither

Heavens within me


Reading of the poem: 

heavens mubi com
Courtesy mubi.com

Hymn to Hope – Secret Garden

Illumination – Secret Garden

The Promise – Secret Garden

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