Inside hours

Inside hours

3 May 2016

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Courtesy Masao Yamamoto on


Pied piper

Inviting the crowds

Twin futures

Standing out

The searing darkness they flout

Starkest point of night



He braces our souls

Guiding throngs

Through crossroads

Sunlit paths to the morrows

Bordering sorrows


Brave New World

Flickering in void


Tilting point

A passage through needle hole

Compressed distances



Old definitions

They break word

With new light

Regaining the inner sight

Through transformation



Heart’s devices play

Muted tunes


The call comes from within soul

Where being is whole


Inside hours

There lie hidden realms

They unfold

To the wise

They who see with more than eyes

Only the heart sees


Reading of the poem: 

masao yamamoto laboiteverte fr

Storm coming up – John Williams

A new Galaxy – John Williams

Wonderland Discovery – John Williams