Swallow in the sun

Swallow in the sun

22 December 2014

swallow in the sun4


Engulfed in shadows

The earth seeks a source of light

As ice takes over

Cold draft stills the mind that seeks

Door ajar to inner light


A ray pierces through

From long forgotten valley

Where day lasts forever

Dumbstruck, in awe, I observe

As it shines, translucent, raw


Bathing in its warmth

A lizard stretches its tail

Remnant of past pride

What is lost is found anew

Says silent spirit to mind


Door closing bathes red

From light seeping through tight veins

That burn with the past

Blood to blood shall call again

As storms well inside abode


The boatman carries

Ten white lilies like ten souls

That start to wither

Will storm flood the lilies’ nest

Building darkness from unrest?


Flickering shadows

Trace a path to yesterday

Etched in my bosom

I yearn in silent sorrow

For two thousand years gone by


A fluttering bird

Rises in the falling dusk

Beak shattering door

Ice scatters around my heart

A thousand rays flow within


Swallow in the sun

Wings outstretched basking in heat

Soars above the earth

Its flight makes mellow my heart

That roared with winter’s approach