Sortie du recueil de poésie française / Publishing of my french poetry book

Bonjour à tous,

Voici le lien pour mon recueil de poésie. C’est le seul endroit où on peut se procurer le recueil car il n’est pas encore sur Amazon. Merci de votre suivi qui a rendu possible la publication de ce recueil. Dans environ 8 à 10 mois mon recueil de poésie écrite en anglais sera publié.

Above is the link for my french poetry book. The link leads to the only website where the book may be ordered as it is not yet present on Amazon. Thank you for following the blog and making the poetry book project possible. Within around 8-10 months from now, a poetry book containing the English poems will be published.


In dreams

In dreams

30 November 2011

The paint has worn out

And the dewdrops are freezing

In a heart full of doubt

And a chest that is wheezing

Heaves in pangs of the unknown

The sun is cold

The daffodils are withered

And stories untold

Bustle in voices unheard

That were once seeds sown

I gather and flout

Pale petals like a face creasing

I stifle in me a shout

Of yesterday’s dreams easing

Like a candle that is blown

The thoughts are bold

But the step follows the herd

The flight path is old

And heart in ribs fluttered

Within a cage now outgrown

The roaches are still

The roaches are still

30 November 2011


The cough has strengthened

Summer has now shed its tears

Pallor has threatened

And darker became the fears

The earth sank into its crust

The roaches are still

The day missed another beat

On my window sill

Autumn leaves have come in fleet

To wed the flight of the dust

Sun fights its way on

To the dimmer point of sky

Light fills the grey hood

As birds shrill and strong agree

With a tune in my brain etched

Bright a cloak did don

As light is ever so high

My mind its ground stood

With roots in earth as a tree

And a hope of sky outstretched