A brook of life

A brook of life

December 23, 2011

Frail mermaid with a tail to shed

To join the land of walking dead

Shrugging off a wild roaring sea

Silently kissed, parted with me


Walking along on many a thorn

Her new feet crimson and torn

She turned and gave me a smile

As I walked behind her a while


I walked behind, beside and along

With a heart heavy but so strong

And as I kissed her softly goodbye

Many a tear would fill her eye


Streaming past her pieces of me

Reached out in shredded agony

On I walked though hearing her cry

The heart sometimes chooses to die


They cried and raved but alas

Silent and still she left me pass

A dark shadow her face did cross

As we both sighed, cried the loss


The path went winding and steep

From waking walk to sullen sleep

Puddles of rain, a brook, a river

But the ocean had  left me forever


I carved my life in running water

On wooden trunks with a splinter

And all that is there now to see

Is a sense of a fading melancholy
