April tool

April tool

16 March 2017

knot orangemodels wordpress com


Fashion me

Model of the talk

Make me walk

Through mirrors

Cutting through realities

With tongues’ swift scissors


Maintain cool

Walk on verge of death

April tool

Of the fool

We hear of stories that drool

Over heroes lost


The victims

Players of the whims

Unlocked grids

Earth that skids

Future you reach for now dims

Hands now usher rims


Reading of the poem: 

blue womens bg
Courtesy womens.bg

I’ll be your woman – Michelle Gurevich

The God Particle

The God Particle

4 March 2017

Courtesy pinterest.com


I found it

Within Skin’s Layers



Where we see every angle

Of Victim’s Slayers


The Prayers

Gushing with the Faith

Bosom bore

Remnants core

We kept each ounce of Atom

The Light Could Fathom


Envy’s lace

Brittle the solace

Golden egg

They stole it

When the flaming bushes lit

The God Particle


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy youtube.com

Ring of Spring – Stive Morgan