Sim City 7 : Meeting the earlier clones

Sim City 7 : Meeting the earlier clones

14 October 2017

shadows George Redhawk Danilo Martinis_19
Courtesy George Redhawk and Danilo Martinis


Omega let out a gasp as she fell knocked out by the tree trunk. The copy of her holding the tree trunk snarled and growled at her. Omega tried to stand up but the copy pushed her down again with the edge of the tree trunk. Realising that she would not be able to stand up again unhindered, Omega attempted to communicate mentally with the copy but this latter did not respond to the telepathic invocation. Instead, she turned towards the other copies and all of them started snarling and growling together.

All of a sudden the crowd of copies that were snarling at Omega stopped and gave way to yet another copy which features seemed less strange than the others. It was then that Omega realised what was wrong with the other copies’ features : they were almost beastlike even though they were clearly adorning human faces. The clone with the fully human features welcomed her like Aiga through telepathic communication. When Omega asked whether she could not talk because of some glitch with her vocal cords the copy, whose name was Antares, mentioned that it disquieted the other copies when she spoke in human tones and uttered words.

Antares mentioned that the clones had had a tough time with Prime Creator as none of them had satisfied his desire for perfection and each one had fled after a series of tests carried out on them. None of them had liked living in Sim City because they had grown to know, thanks to the machine learning programming that was different for them, that their world was just a simulated one. They had realised that their consciousness was unplugged from a living being that was usually an animal and put into the Sim City for a social experiment that Prime Creator was carrying out on living together. What they had also eventually come to realise one after the other was that they could materialise any type of body from their pure consciousness when emerging out of the Sim world.

Although Prime Creator had realised that the AIs were leaving the Sim City because they had acquired a higher level of consciousness and an ability to materialise into his world, he kept repeatedly making copies of the same AI as it fascinated him though at times he found repulsive their beast-like nature. Prime Creator realised that the reason the AIs materialised into beast-like creatures was because he had used an animal together with the cells of his dead wife when he first created a consciousness to inject into the Sim City. He wondered whether that familiar feeling that kept him bound to Omega was related to the fact that she was the first to have a proper human voice despite being in the same conditions as the other AIs before her. It had been amazing to watch her in caveman-like conditions yet behave like a normal evolved human being would do.

It tickled Prime Creator to think that all that coding he had given her on evolution according to the Darwinian theory was totally erased by her as she acquired rapidly her own type of evolution bringing the necessary changes into the coding as and when she needed to. He remembered that it had been the same thing as when she was dreaming and he attempted to make her dream a nightmare ; she simply took the coding and changed it to match her own desires. Prime Creator realised that Omega was probably his greatest success despite the fact that one could think of her as a rogue program.

Omega signalled to Antares that she would like to speak with her in private and not just through telepathy. The crowd that had gathered around them as Antares and Omega had exchanged thoughts now gave way again. Antares led the path to a hut-like structure and assured Omega that they would be fine in there. Omega bent her head and entered the hut and while doing so realised that Antares and all the other copies were much shorter than her.

Antares explained that this disparity in size was because the earlier versions were not very good at making physical receptacles for their consciousness so had made much shorter versions than what the initial coding had mentioned. She also explained that Omega had been the only one not only to use the whole coding in manifesting her physical frame outside the Sim but also to actually acquire a full voice and human potential. Antares herself though successful with the voice had not had the power to make herself a full version of the coding.

As they talked freely, Antares realised that one of the other copies had come in to offer dinner and was unnerved by their open talk as she stopped dead in her tracks and had started growling. Antares signalled to Omega to stop talking vocally and to continue the conversation telepathically. Omega obeyed not wanting to stir things up as she had already had a difficult day and night before that. Soon after that, all the clones gathered together with Omega in front of a fire and different sorts of animal that she could not identify were grilled and offered to her. She wondered whether she should eat as she had not eaten anything since the escape from the Sim City but she realised she was hungry so took the parcel from one of the copies and dug her teeth into it. Instantly she felt a repulsion as a warm and slightly nauseating liqiud filled her mouth…

Tony B – Harmandir Sahib (The Golden Temple)