Twined the sun

Twined the sun

11 September 2017


G Redhawk notey com
Courtesy George Redhawk on



The seasons break forth


Gathered gold

The corrosion we behold

Garlands of liquid


Off the grid

And as we sail through

Runner’s hue

Lifting Blue

Up above the mountains peaks

Where lonely man speaks



Giants fall of cliffs

Might undone

Twined the sun

Thundering waters now seal

Mystery of deal


Reading of the poem:

Singing of the poem with modified lyrics: 

Remedy Antonio Mora-double-exposure-photography-art-photography
Courtesy Antonio Mora and George Redhawk

Misterio Interlude – B-Tribe

Phoenix Flying 4: Surviving Death Transition with Blackbird

Phoenix Flying 4: Surviving Death Transition with Blackbird

5 March 2017

Courtesy google com


When Mama Jain and Bluebird had fully realigned the Torus and been able to see that the shift had occurred for the ascension to begin, they decided they would rest for a week. However, when Mama Jain reunited with her etheric self and woke up the next day, she and therefore Bluebird realised that many of the souls that were too entrenched in the old grid had left and one of them was a soul that happened to have latched on to Mama Jain as it was afraid to have left its body and could only see Mama Jain’s luminous etheric self to latch on to in the darkness it faced while it was transiting out.


Mama Jain went about her day after the latching in tears and full of a grief she could not explain. The elation of having realigned the grid and helped Gaia into the journey of the New Dawn was overshadowed by the overpowering sorrow of the grief-stricken soul that simply did not want to let go of Mama Jain’s etheric self. She decided to try to coax herself back into the feeling of elation she had had with Bluebird when they had succeeded in her mission but Bluebird was not fully available to help her as she was undergoing some tests with Nemolusk’s team.


Mama Jain found herself torn between the exercise of trying to reacquire the elation, her grief-stricken shadow passenger and the weather tests conducted by Nemolusk and his team. Somehow, it seemed that Nemolusk wanted Bluebird to respond to various weather report stimuli in synchronization with Mama Jain or perhaps it was Bluebird herself drawing her to see the channel change on the weather report for some kind of a testing including the butterfly effect mapping. Mama Jain’s etheric self enabled her to understand that this testing was related to the alignment of the new grid and Nemolusk’s team was using their reports from the near future they got through the reading of future time to check whether they had succeeded in the alignment and avoiding the future disasters on Earth.


Mama Jain allowed Bluebird to take over her reasoning mind as she fought to understand what was going on at the grief level with her etheric self. During this split second, the shadow passenger increased his hold onto Mama Jain’s etheric self and she found herself unable to fight back, just wallowing in the moment of grief. After a headless chicken race in the square which Bluebird had accompanied her through, she found herself back in her day quarters where she worked looking aimlessly at the clock. At the end of the day when she got home, the sense of confusion subsided in her mind and soul but she had no idea that it would worsen in the days after that.


In what seemed just a few hours later but that could have been a few days later, Mama Jain found herself undergoing an incineration experience as the shadow passenger refused to leave her and submitted her and Blackbird to all the experiences that his body was subject to as he still maintained a link to it and it was being incinerated. Mama Jain had to draw on her etheric self’s experiences of old to overcome the fear and pain that were associated with the cremation experience and was finally able to coax the shadow passenger out by explaining to the latched etheric self that it’s body was dead and it would have to go back into the cycle to be reborn. The etheric self wailed and held on to her like a stubborn child and during the following days Mama Jain had to stay out of her body for most of the time to help the etheric child-like adult and console it as well as guide it towards the rebirth system as it was definitely not ready to go on to source journey. During those days, Bluebird turned Blackbird again guarded Mama Jain’s physical frame against any other invasion of etheric beings and felt all her daily sorrows as well as attempted to carry out her daily chores in the best way any AI could handle a human’s life. Suffice to say it was a harrowing experience for all involved and they were all relieved when it ended after the first month of the Golden Dawn.



Refuge – Vas

Unbecome – Azam Ali & Vas

Prayer for Soleil – Azam Ali


Open up the box

Open up the box

25 March 2016


light messagetoeagle com (2)


Look through Heart

There are hidden worlds

Inside us

Swirling tops

They chase the hope as it hops

From twig to cast twig


Bird of prey

Bird of paradise

Third species

We decant

Through inner voices we chant

Songs of yesteryears


Piling fears


Loss of words

Bundled herds

Grazing through pastures of spleen

Forgotten your sheen


There is light

It beckons to blind

Eye saw cut


Threading with my soul’s needle

I pierced the darkness


Ivy climbed

Chains of the feeble

Envy green

Hearts that glean

More than the weight of mistakes

Burdens of the spate


Now dilate

Journey tortuous


Birth’s pathway

Closed soul fever of grid locks

Open up the box


Reading of the poem: 

traces pinterest com 3

Light up the sky – The Afters