Hit and miss never

Hit and miss never

5 December 2015


miss pinterest com 4
Courtesy pinterest.com



Lilies on my hand

Burgeoning with the green leaves

Waters in my Heart


The soul burning white

Through unmistakable blues

I miss the night skies


The road paved in ink

Inglorious dark pathways

To somewhere amiss


miss Brooke Shaden pinterest com
Courtesy Brooke Shaden on pinterest.com



Where soul would wander

Bathed in the forgetfulness

That I miss the most


Clarity struck hard

Gone was the blissful soft sleep

Missing is dreamtime


Clock me to midnight

Point my needles up and straight

Hit and miss never



miss pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com



Evanescence – Bring me to Life



This post is part of SoCS

Hit and miss never – Linda Gill prompt word “miss” for December 5, 2015