Angel Burns

Angel Burns

30 July 2016

angelburns sacristy_by_carlos_quevedo-d9j85cm
Courtesy Carlos Quevedo on


Desert posts

Light greying landscapes

Tower scrapes

Edge of skies

The breach revealing the lies

All zones set in void


Mind devoid

Of fears rattlesnakes

The leaves rakes

Pages scorched

Their edges like stems reveal

Truth of what we feel


Remnants torched

They keep us unknown

Angel burns

The Heart yearns

Netherworld in pieces shown

To my bleeding Eye


Reading of the poem: 

Angelburns inner_oracle_by_carlos_quevedo-d97qdfb
Courtesy Carlos Quevedo on

Ignite – Sky Architect

Burn it in the cold

Burn it in the cold

28 July 2015

burn it by Kleber Paolucci photoshopcreative co uk
Courtesy Kleber Paolucci on

The night died today

Wasted in rise of morning

As the raven sighs


Grass scorched in the sun

Breathes off night’s delicate touch

As it lights and churns


The nightingales weep

For pallor of their slight wings

Shine not through morrows


Take this wheezing chest

And while it shivers and throbs

Burn it in the cold

burn it ravens_flight_by_jayderosalie thewitcontinuum wordpress com
Courtesy Jayderosalie on