Memories of old

Memories of old
29 October 2023
Clenching jaws
follow new-found laws
Blast to cause
breath in pause
raking fingers turned to claws
revealing the flaws

We diffuse
the powers to use
Golden hues
fragrant dews
a conflagration to choose
aching sunset bruise

Bodies hold
memories of old
tales untold
lo behold
they speak of the soul once sold
for silver, not gold

Reading of the poem:
Kyrie - Antaeus

Ashes for daughters

Ashes for daughters
21 October 2023
Courtesy created by AI
She walks slow
life bundled on back
her fiefdom,
mind scattered throughout waters,
thoughts a procession

They deal blow
never cut her slack
not random
house as their hearts lurch
hospital and church

Two may die
May they ever live
to forgive
fathers’ tales,
she cries as her lung inhales
ashes for daughters

Reading of the poem:

Spanoudakis- Prosopa

All blood same red lace

All blood same red lace
15 October 2023
of erased nation
A death toll 
on both sides
leads nowhere as the fear rides
to uneven poll

the clock strikes
unequal death chimes
we surmount
the war crimes
our memory a closed tap
bodies our minds wrap

Live cocoons
shelter vivid thoughts
we see not what then transpired
as thousands expired

Fed through spoons
weather-beaten words
Flimsy talks
forceful walks 
to the other side of hope
a yearning to cope

Warning call
lost time to recall
regret stitched
within layers of the brain
lesson to retain

The legs pace
unknown surfaces
riddled lanes
absorb pains
of humanity’s disgrace 
all blood same red lace

Reading of the poem: 
Yael Deckelbaum - Prayer Of The Mothers

I am becoming a Tree

I am becoming a Tree
7 October 2023
I am becoming a Tree
My arms extended in calling
I branch out in verses
they are shiny fruits hanging 
high and low in perspectives
alternating light and dark

I am becoming a Tree
My trunk plants its roots in a garden
I witness moss growing on my feet
they disappear softly within green
circles of brown dissolve within its sheen
Totem of tomorrow’s world sprouts

I am becoming a Tree
Wide branches from keen twigs
absorb the sunshine in waves
they cast no shadows on the seekers
gathering around my rivulets
My waters are shared with all

I am becoming a Tree
I am sunshine and rain
I gather feathers and fluff
as the nightbirds hold in me home
Sizzling thoughts in me roam
I bear the smooth and the rough

I am becoming a Tree
I climb giddily towards the skies
Though my roots coil me to the ground
in sweet harmonious belonging
my leaves rustle in the clouds
I am bustling prayers and shrouds

Reading of the poem: 
Tree of Life