The Host

The Host

21 January 2018

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Courtesy Christian Schloe on


It had been almost a year now since she was hosting the other being. Initially the cohabitation had been quite complicated with the other being manifesting bouts of consciousness that burst within the stream of her own consciousness. Considering it was an alien being, these bouts of consciousness did not go unnoticed by her friends and family. They had first dismissed her behaviour as an eccentricity before realising that she did not seem aware of it at other times when they spoke to her about it. Since the time they had questioned her about it and she seemed to have no clue what they were talking about they scrupulously took down the details of her behaviour and related the facts to her when she seemed to have recovered her normal self.

The guest was gracious enough to try not to express itself in its original language when displaying its abnormal behaviour that had got her family concerned. This had not been the case initially though and the Host had to face the embarrassment of explaining the gibberish that emanated from her at that time. While she initially had no direct contact with the guest, with the passage of time and when she was nearing sleep she was able to establish a connection with the guest. It was on one such occasion that the guest explained to her that it was a being from outer space that spoke the language of light. This language was basically derived from the points where sound and light intersected to form a vibration that could be perceived by the conscious mind.

After explaining the concept, the guest then allowed the Host to record a conversation it was having with a being that was not present in the same space. The guest then proceeded to explain to the Host that it came from a planet where there was no need for words as telepathy was used but that words were used when two beings were separated by a very long distance as that was the easiest way for the intent to be communicated strongly in very long stretches of space. The guest explained that intent that was purely communicated through telepathy could lose its vigor when traveling long distances while the frequency contained in the language of light could serve as a communication relay for the telepathic message.

The Host tried to accommodate her guest as best she could but it was difficult to know well in advance what would be required. At times the guest went completely silent and it was only by experimentation that she could get the gist of what was acceptable or not to the guest. For example, on one occasion she had eaten chicken which she had normally stopped eating and after a period of being unwell and throwing up the food, she had come to the conclusion that her guest did not tolerate the consumption of meat. This incident also made her realise that the guest was intricately attached to her system and therefore subject to all that she was subjected to.

The guest had explained to her that when it had chosen her as a Host, it had ensured it would download its consciousness into her through her eyes and therefore be fully mingled with her nervous system and command from there all the other parts of her body. In the beginning she had sometimes felt it was parasitical but soon the advantages of the cohabitation made her happy to oblige as the wealth of knowledge given by the guest was immeasurable. Besides, the guest had informed her that soon many other such beings would come on Earth and there would be a change in the system that they had always known in favour of a system called “The System of the Source Code”. The Host was eager to see what this would entail because as far as she was concerned, the current system that the world was using was broken and the whole planet was in dire need of a new system.

The Host had taken to liking the points of time before sleep when they would both communicate and realised that the guest had been teaching her brain to communicate in the language of the light. There were also other scientific matters that they would discuss and that the guest would either enlighten her upon or correct her perception. She realised that Earth scientists were mistaken in so many matters of mathematics and physics as well as in medicine for the guest would prove to her in a very clear way through mental projection of images the truth of the matter. She wished she could take down notes but as this exchange happened when she was nearing sleep, she could hardly lift her hand and write down anything and if she sat upright anyway the communication would collapse between them. The guest told her that soon enough when they had integrated more closely the communication would extend to the waking hours and she would then be able to take down notes of their discussions. The Host looked forward to being able to do this and perhaps then share with others this amazing wealth of knowledge that the guest was communicating.

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