The Scribes 1: Conjuring the Manifestation

The Scribes 1: Conjuring the Manifestation

12 December 2016



In a distant future, humanity has lost the capacity of producing anything. Paper money is a thing of the past and anything one needs can only be conjured up through the power of intention, it cannot be made. Unfortunately, most of the population having just been conditioned to picking what they need from what was mass produced in the past, they have lost the capacity of thinking and even more of dreaming and visualising so are unable to conjure up anything they would need to have.


The world population resorts to a group of creative people who have kept the capacity of thinking and are particularly skilled in conjuring up with their thoughts, which are powerfully channeled in a very precise manner, what the population needs in a ceremony called the Conjuring. This group of people are called the Scribes as they write down what is termed as the Manifestation, a detailed description of a series of images related to their thoughts during the Conjuring and these can be used a limited number of times to manifest similar items elsewhere.


The ink used by the Scribes is a very special ink manifested from their thoughts that fades away when the writings have been used a certain number of times and it is impossible to remember the sequence of words used, making it impossible to replicate the item beyond the intended number of times the Scribes have created the Manifestation for. When the Conjuring is attempted by anyone who is not a Scribe based on incorrectly memorized versions of the Manifestation, the person attempting the fake ceremony meets a deadly fate.


The population compensates the Scribes in energy which can be energy channeled from the stars or the Earth or simply life force energy depending on whether the population belongs to the star gazers or Earth conduits or to neither of these two factions. This energy is in turn used as a fuel by the Scribes to manifest their creative intent. Some scribes are so talented in their Manifestations that they are particularly sought after and compensated heavily making their energetic storage so immense that they are able to conjure up all kinds of intricate items effortlessly.


The Scribes do not offer courses on conjuring but decide from time to time to have a disciple who is taught the skill of conjuring as well as how to write the description of the images used in the ceremony. Often, the disciple is a member of their own family although sometimes, when they are childless, they may take a person from the general population. During the time the disciple is an apprentice and especially if he/she did not possess the skill of Manifesting by birthright, the disciple must act as a channel and a source of secondary energy when the portion of the population requiring a specific item is not able to compensate the Scribe appropriately with the right quantity of energy during the conjuring. After the ceremony, the disciple then waits with the population for a week receiving restorative energy from them before joining the Scribe who has moved on to another place where conjuring is required.


Nobody knows how the Scribes managed to keep their capability of conjuring up the thoughts that allowed the creation of the items required and nobody knows how they are raised and what they are taught exactly as it is a well-guarded secret. None of the population is capable either of assessing just how much energy has been harnessed by the Scribes. On occasion one or two Scribes would have gathered so much energy and not being able to use it because nothing was required in their surroundings, they simply imploded into balls of fire, igniting the whole neighbourhood during their combustion. For this reason, the Scribes are always on the move and never stay in the same place too long except if their services are extensively required.


The Key to the Universe (Dance of the Sacred Union) – Stellar

9 thoughts on “The Scribes 1: Conjuring the Manifestation

    • Thank you Maniparna. Who knows, yes. Who knows if it is not already in some way the case that you need people to manifest an intent and that some have a stronger ability to manifest than others. It could be a good weapon or it could be a tool for salvation. Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂

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