Woman on the Top

Woman on the Top

27 August 2016

ten wallpapersxl com
Courtesy wallpapersxl.com



Your empty wordings

Flowing free

Withered tree

Unwatered by your limp hand

A mouth to demand



Your hatred coursing

Black rivers

Bring shivers

Brethren replicate the quakes

Judges make mistakes



A burning willow

Nooses flow

Like the waves

Your mountains’ glory but caves

Sheltering the knaves



Congratulate self

Twisted doll

Tightly knit

Into clothes that barely fit

Reintegrates shelf



My nerves leading way

From decay

To dismay

Prosecuting intention

Witnesses galore



My fiery breath

Heated frame

Sorry lame

I will not stretch below tame

Woman on the Top


Reading of the poem: 

ten justingedak com
Courtesy justinegedak.com

The Eternal Return – Irfan

Monsalvato – Irfan

Peregrinatio – Irfan


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