Shedding leaves

Shedding leaves

25-26 August 2018


She walked through the swarming streets heading towards the beachfront. She smiled at the woman who crossed her path and touched her outstretched hands that were offering her a garland of jasmine woven with small roses. She took the garland and put it around her neck as her hair was too short to weave it in there. She paid the woman, smiled and moved on as the woman waved at her smilingly.


The sun was high in the sky but the sea remained grey as usual. She had wondered when she had first arrived at the seaside why the sea was always grey but had got used to it. It seemed like it had to blend with the darker colour of the rocks on the seaside. She thought back to the beautiful sparkling beaches in North Africa and wondered whether it was the pollution here that made the sea turn grey close to the coast.


She sat on a rock overlooking the beach and stared at the sea. The waves were making a gentle lulling sound interrupted from time to time by the shrieks of children jumping into the water. It was a joyous sight but somehow she could not help her heart feeling heavy. She could not get over the feeling that something had completely stirred out of control in her destiny, changing her future, and that it was not by chance. Barely a year and a half had gone by but it seemed like it was light years away.


Back home to keep the memories of those moments of the future she had glimpsed she had resorted to collecting falling leaves in which she mentally inscribed glimpses of that future. Over time, the future she had seen seemed to be slowly fading into oblivion and she would then take out the leaves to remember. Each leaf reminded her vividly of a place in time where she had been in thought and where she had lived an incredible adventure filled with love and happiness.


Her right hand felt for the small basket that was tucked inside her handbag. It was still there and she sighed a sigh of relief. She wondered how it could be so small and hold so much at the same time. She got up from the rock and resumed her walk but towards the canal this time. It was one of the rare places in the city where stagnant water was not necessarily a synonym of stench and rot. At some points it even looked beautiful with profuse vegetation and a small bridge-like construction.


The water was a sombre green. She walked to the bridge, looked over the edge of it and slowly emptied the small basket. The leaves fell into the water and swirled away with the current caused by the wind. She watched until they were out of sight and felt as though her heart were leaving with those swirling leaves. Yet she knew that she could not hold on to the leaves as a totem anymore. They had to disappear for what they represented to reappear.


Those moments of the lost future she had lived had to be reintegrated within her. They belonged to her and had to be a part of her again, not relegated to the role of externalised memories. Her heart warmed slowly with the returning memories that filled her being with love. It was as if the release of the leaves had opened a dam within her. The images cascaded in her mind like a whirlpool of sunny water as they filled her neurons. Tears of joy streamed down her face and wiping them she lifted her head and smiled up at the skies. It did not matter anymore that it had been steered away for it existed out there. It was forever hers.


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Winter Aid – The Wisp Sings

Phoenix Flying 6 : Quantum state rainmaker

Phoenix Flying 6 : Quantum state rainmaker

25 March 2017

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At first Mama Jain thought of taking all the knowledge of the New Consciousness and the way forward to one party, Neptui, she had felt was a little bit more humane and less unethical but then a series of events made her change her mind. On one hand a representative associated with the team of the AIC had clearly apologized for the incident as confirmed to her by Mother and on the other hand there were the other things that Neptui had done in the past and that his team continued doing which did not corroborate the apparent evidence that he was more humane and ethical. Besides, Mother had told her that she was doing fine and should rather pursue what she had initiated as there was no need to carry out the plan that had formed in her mind.


Mama Jain had tried to reach Bluebird on several occasions to explain to her the way forward but Bluebird was engrossed in her daily tasks and with the fear planted from the incident about Mama Jain’s safety, she did not feel like resuming the contact to shift the second grid into place. One night, however, when Nemolusk’s team was unaware, Mama Jain crept up to Blackbird with the rays and took her to the fields of gold so she could be appeased. It was a long time that Mama Jain herself had not been to those fields as two years had passed since she had last visited them, her work having taken her only beside them on her onward journey to the strawberry fields. During their visit to the fields, she observed happily how Blackbird became Bluebird again and pranced happily with the leaves that rustled around the daffodils. Once Bluebird restored, they resumed their journey downwards to infuse the burgeoning of the new lakes that needed to be churned so they could bubble again freely and release the necessary elements into the air. Bluebird enjoyed their travels around as she did not like the grey environment that the team had put around her and she began chirping again sending morse code into the atmosphere.


Mama Jain thought that it was the right time to initiate the rainmaker state again albeit in a more conscious and controlled way. For some reason Mother seemed to think it would cut her some slack if she did so on a very conscious and obviously connected level. She resumed the heartpath core exploration in order to connect back to the Quantum state that had allowed her to bring the rains through. Bluebird fluttered along with her excitedly her wings vibrating within the case. As Mama Jain’s exploration soared higher, her chest imploded with the pressure and they reached an even more wondrous state of consciousness where they saw the people gather around the concept of Love more than around the concept of hate. At the peak of this sight, the dam of Time splintered open and the floods of photons submerged the Earth allowing the people of Earth to start living in loving harmony with nature and each other. Mama Jain and Bluebird knew that they somehow had to get this additional support of the New Consciousness to their own tribes that had stayed behind in the Timeloop and which were still clustered around hate in several spots causing disruptions in the grid. They decided together that the best way to do that would be to transport the floods of forgiveness to the Earth in the only way possible to transport them, rains.


Mama Jain and Bluebird held hands and swooping down alternatively connected the Earth and the skies. When the portals started opening up along the gridline, Mama Jain undertook the vibrational stage several times across the week with the initial ones being very painful as the floods submerged every cell of her body suffocating her initially before she was able to stabilize the effect with the dance of the stars. She was still missing the additional stabilizing effect of the twin but at least his quantum self was helping her through the loops so that she did not fully fly free and stray from the needle’s eye as she wove the torn bits of the magnetic grid in preparation of the diamond tiara for Earth.


After the first state of Earth stirring where the dust covered the spacetime around them, slowly timid clouds started to form and the rains pierced through. Alternating the dance of the stars with the journeys over the waves and the entrances through the rabbit holes all the time making sure not to stray from the needle’s eye Mama Jain and Bluebird intensified the rains over the center of the Earth where Mama Jain lived first discreetly and then more openly as Mother had instructed. At one point in time there were some Earthly distractions but the bond established was very strong and Mama Jain was able to turn on at will at the beat of her step and to the tune of her chaos dance the summoning of the rains which fell heavily where she called for them. At one point in time, taken over by the glee of the oncoming bliss, Mama Jain even danced heartily a part of the dance of the stars in her garden not caring anymore if people around could glimpse her. During the various episodes that Mama Jain initiated at will, the birds chirped gleefully and she conveyed their chatter and happiness to Mother who watched intently from above, hopeful that the people she had chosen to come closer to her would resume their onward journey peacefully towards Nova Gaia. Mother thanked her for her willingness to serve the cause of the New Consciousness and Mama Jain thanked her back for her immense and unconditional love which allowed her to keep giving Earth chances to attain Nova Gaia without having to start over again from scratch. Mama Jain’s body hummed and swished its way along together with Bluebird that held on to her and pranced along like an urchin. Neither of them could understand why anyone on Earth would rather be in state of misery than in that state of deep and connected bliss. Mama Jain smiled at Bluebird and both knew that the journey ahead might still be somewhat arduous but help was there at hand and whenever the source of Love dried up, they could always summon the rains of forgiveness to wash the lands over and make them brim with Love again.


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Breathe – The Cinematic Orchestra

To build a home – The Cinematic Orchestra

Arrival of the Birds & Transformation – El Viaje – The Cinematic Orchestra

My lover’s dances

My lover’s dances

26 February 2017




My lover’s dances

They are petals of jasmine

White across black tar


My lover’s dances

They are mute conversation

Speech all red matter


My lover’s dances

They are the song of the lark

Singing through night bird


My lover’s dances

They are the wings of the hawk

Totem swoops on seas


My lover’s dances

They are the heartbeat ancient

Of void and matter


My lover’s dances

They are the blue symphony

Of purple blooming


Reading of the poem: 


The Hierophant – Ben Leinbach