Eye will see you blow the hatred’s Flames

Eye will see you blow the hatred’s Flames

5 November 2015

  close photonin com


Out of the waters of your prayers

I, child of the blue come in naked simplicity


Look into the infinite my veil

Feel my Grace open your Heart at the Touch of my Face


Take the silent drop that falls withered

Open your heart and release the waterfalls anew


Eye watched Abel and Cain together

Walk down in Peace from rocky mountains to my valleys


The Hawk from above sees all with Heart

Watch as its message through dancing form flows in the falls


silence gaiaonline com normal_angelinwater

Wings are made for shelter and uplift

Seek not just waterfalls be of all the healing flow


Eye will see you blow the hatred’s Flames

As tomorrow will rise in the desert’s land Bright


Darkness now Light the beast tamed fly White

From confined prisons plunge into forgiveness waters


Drown in my blue thirst or reach for skies

Float in my mercy, see your twin, together now fly


Eyes have many wishes in rainbows

Walk to the meeting point, my skies’ lands of tomorrow

 Blue playingwiththeuniverse blogspot com 2


Images courtesy photonin.com, gaiaonline.com and playingwiththeuniverse.blogspot.com

Ana bekoach sub en español

Schubert – Ave Maria

The morning of Hope – Sobhe Omid – Hamad Zamani

Tree of Life – Lacrimosa