Giant that staggers

Giant that staggers

6 May 2016

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You misread

The sacred teachings

Book of dead

Cherry tree

The baby cradled on knee

That knelt in penance


We restore

Balance forsaken


Weak taken

More than dignity of whore

Who spoke in wisdom


Time hastens

To broken seconds

Send not dogs

To do errands

Your messages borne by crown

My only audience


She repeats

My darkened thunders

I promised

Rare wonders

From the whole you gave bleak seed

Your downfall the greed


Between worlds

We shuttle griefless

Your wombs dry

Souls seedless

You carry wasted bodies

Useless sacrifice


Look beyond

The days are counted

They fly swift

Like daggers

Finding the eye that blinks not

Giant that staggers


Reading of poem: 

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The Eyes of Truth – Enigma

Beyond the Invisible – Enigma

Silence must be heard – Enigma