The path and benefits of healing

The path and benefits of healing
27 August 2023
For those of you who have read my blog titled Spiritual progression and Aura report, you would know about the evolution of my aura during the journey of healing I am going through. I had not mentioned in that blog, though, the way I came to the journey of healing. It is something that does not seem probable when you know the life journey I had been upon which was mainly taking care of my family and working in the financial services industry to cater for my family’s needs. Such a life seemed really far away from anything esoteric in nature and definitely away from myself bein g capable to heal others.

Going back in time around 2013, I would like to explain how this journey of healing was brought about on me. Suffice to say that my father was living in an old people’s home in India, had experienced several heart failures and was left with triple vessel block in the arteries around the heart. He had lost usage of his feet so was carried to the toilet and had to also be carried and given a shower. He was unable to eat on his own so was spoon-fed. The director of the home called my sister and myself and asked us to take him home so he could die in peace. The prognostic on his life was at most three weeks. As I was the closest to India, living in Dubai, I volunteered for this undertaking and had him brought to Dubai. During the first week he was with me, I was constantly with him and kept his hands in my hands. I slowly noticed a betterment until he was able to have a shower on his own the first week, able to eat and go to toilet on his own the second week and able to walk about the house by the third week. In less than two months, he was able to walk around the house, around the garden and go up and down the stairs as well as cook himself some foods. It was like a miracle and my father not only survived that year but lives till now in 2023 and is able to walk about and eat on his own.

After that unplanned healing, I went about learning about healing, mainly pranic healing (prana or energy within the Universe – in the sun, on trees, in the Earth, etc) with the GMCKS centre in Dubai. To date, I have healed around 40 people in Dubai and 10 people in the UK and it has been a journey of self-discovery and evolution. From the initial stages of pure pranic healing according to the GMCKS rites to the current stage of healing which is a mix of pranic healing, crystal healing, herb healing, bach remedies healing and what I have coined as frequency healing, I have always been able to discover much of the person I was healing as well as of myself. An important factor of my healing is that it is based on truthfulness and respect and gives forth healing not just to the person I heal but also to me. Time and time again, I have initiated the healing, requesting the help of a number of spiritual allies and ended up with a completely healed person (most of the time) as well as with myself extremely energized. For those that had more difficult ailments though, it took several sessions in order to heal them completely.

When I speak of frequency healing, the idea is to synchronize with the person to heal, to try to guess the frequencies that the person would respond to best and to then choose amongst existing songs or instrumental pieces the ones that would contain the maximum frequencies desired. These would merge with the person’s frequencies and, by resonance, heal them with the blend into new beneficial frequencies, leaving a harmonious body at the end of the blending. Once the best pieces found, the energizing of chakras is followed by playing those pieces while invoking either the God or Goddess avatar to request them to distribute the frequencies evenly within the body of the person. The choice of the God and Goddess avatars would be either from within my field of belief or the person’s field of belief if the frequencies chosen corresponded to that person’s culture. The effect of going through these frequencies as a vector applied to inhaling those frequencies and requesting the help of the God/Goddess avatars, increased manifold the level of my own energy while healing remnants of problems within the person’s body. When the God/Goddess avatars were not from my belief system, it broadened my horizons and left me with a desire to discover not only that person’s belief system but also their culture and language.

From the journey of healing that started in 2013-2014 to today, there has been much progress made and what makes me hopeful is that I know there will be much more progress to make. I am now on the journey of understanding properly the usage of herbs and crystals as well as working more with essential oils and spells, in order to reach a holistic level of healing that will be all encompassing. I know that every move forward will open a new door so that the healing reaches its highest level on Earth and I may dedicate the remainder of my lifetime to learning new ways of healing, such as full Egyptian magic, to incorporate within what I already have and make these ways of healing available to a larger part of the population. So mote it be.

Ancient Egyptian Healing prayer: 

The healing of Orion

Universe to size

Universe to size
24 August 2023
I hear You
Your call is whispers
shaking trees
rustling leaves
the breeze that sings in my mind
Memories unwind

I call You
Your ears are torrents
winding paths 
lavish baths
The water falling from lids
meanders and skids

I see You 
Your face is fragments
dazzling eyes
mouth In skies
The space in between you flies
Universe to size

Reading of the poem:
Satyam Shivam Sundaram

A patchwork to use

A patchwork to use
3 August 2023
Courtesy Paulina Cassady
Dazzle me
I love what’s in you
sacred flow
secret glow
I hail the light within you
shining hearts so true

Frazzle me
I face exhaustion
Time to flee
I hold thoughts from dark alleys
hidden within crease

Puzzle me
I will share fragments
shards of frames
hindsight tames
I draw past perfect blue clues
a patchwork to use

Reading of the poem:
Delerium feat Nadina - Monarch