Sunday musings : Resilience

Sunday musings : Resilience

17 March 2019


Trying my hand again at sketches with a focus on nudes ; sketching to the tune of jazz.


I called the portrait « Resilience ». It is perhaps one of the traits that I favour most in human beings. Whatever we go through in life, a little bit of music, giving free course to our imagination and the exercise of our hobbies together with this trait allow us to go through many situations that we initially thought insurmountable. So here’s to resilience and to the great all at once soothing and stimulating effect of jazz.

Click on the thumbnails to see the larger version

Hey Laura – Gregory Porter

The Frost Chronicles 2: The heist

The Frost Chronicles 2: The heist

17 March 2019

djin on youtube

She gathered the diamonds in a small cloth purse and gave a few phone calls to diamond merchants she knew. One of them who had helped her earlier invited her to his office in Deira. She quickly slid the cloth purse into her handbag and set off to the diamond trader’s office. When she reached she found him sitting in his usual corner inspecting a batch of diamonds. He beckoned to her to apprach and she sat on the bench facing him. He was surprised to see her as she had mentioned to him that it was the last piece of jewelry she was selling the last time he had seen her. He knew her to be a very resourceful woman however and was ready to see what she had brought him as she had been quite mysterious over the phone.

Nothing prepared him though for the sight of what she brought out from her purse. Huge pear-shaped diamonds that were worth several hundreds of thousands of dollars and a couple perhaps worth a million or two. He reached out for the diamonds and inspected them closely. Surely enough, one must be worth around two million and the other big one a million and a half. He looked again surprised as something caught his attention and he realised what it was. Some of the yellow coloured diamonds were those that were supposed to be sold at an auction before they had suddenly disappeared. He asked her where she got the diamonds and she told him she could not provide that information.

She walked out of there stunned and dismayed. He had told her he would not be able to buy the diamonds as they had been stolen from an auction. He had told her that there was someone else who could buy them but he would definitely pay her much less than what they were worth given their provenance. She looked down at the number he had given her and dialed it. The man answered and gave her an appointment for the same afternoon. She decided to take only some of the diamonds and passed by her home where she hid most of the diamonds only taking with her one of the two big diamonds and three smaller ones.

  • How did you do it, was his first question before he even greeted her.
  • I did nothing she answered. I got them from a friend.
  • Of course, he sneered, beckoning to her to show him the diamonds

He took the larger diamond from off her extended palm and whistled.

  • I’ll give you four hundred thousand for this one he said.
  • But it’s worth more than a million
  • When you buy it at an auction, maybe but down here it is only worth that much.
  • That’s very little
  • I’ll tell you what. I’ll throw in an extra hundred thousand because I feel you’ve got more to show me.
  • I don’t have much. Only two or three
  • Show me

She laid the diamonds out on the table and he picked them up quickly.

  • I’ll give you hundred and fifty thousand for these three he said
  • Sure she said. She was glad she had not brought the other ones with her or she was sure that he would have downplayed them even more and perhaps given her that same amount for five of them.

She carefully counted the bills he gave her and he put the diamonds in a safe behind a portrait on the wall. She was still stunned by the combined effect of finding out the diamonds were from a heist in an auction house and of how much less they were worth now because of that. She realised however that she had a handsome amount in the big bag he had given her that would pay the bills. Now the problem would be how to pay in cash for the medical treatment of her son. She would need to get the money moved into her bank account and that would cost her an extra 15% she thought gloomily. She dialed the hawala dealer Ashok and sure enough he confirmed he would be charging 15% for the transaction.

A few hours later she was looking with great satisfaction at her bank account balance that had increased by several hundred thousand.

She sighed and thought to herself that she would need to summon the Marid again to ask him why he had chosen a heist instead of just creating the diamonds for her. She set the candles around her and summoned him using his special name. He appeared in front of her and seemed to know what she had on her mind. She explained to him that he could not simply steal jewelry and give it to her as it was not simple to handle. He told her that he could not create the diamonds from nowhere. Either he got them from somewhere or he got the energy necessary to create them. He told her that if she wanted him to create them then she had to provide him with enough energy. When she asked him how she would do that he answered that she could grant him energy in a condensed manner by giving him several months of her life. She stared at him, realising what he was suggesting and asked him to leave. She looked at her laptop where the amount on the screen was still visible. This would last her a few months of treatment but soon she would have to think seriously about his proposal.


Diamonds are a girl’s best friend – Marilyn Monroe