Shadows past

Shadows past

10 October 2017

Remedy2 george-redhawk-aka-darkangelone-untitled
Courtesy George Redhawk


Crimson flash

A heart beckoning

Heat waves crust

Turns to ash

Head reeling regenerates

The organ from sting


Bent at core

Arrow is blessing

Wanting more

Needing none

Pointing to where all the fun

Ends in unearthing


Shadows past

Glimpse of yesteryears



Traces of forgotten fears

Now paid in arrears


Reading of the poem: 

morse george redhawk plus google com Antonio-Mora_46_signature
Courtesy George Redhawk and Antonio Mora

Deep listening – Rumi (translated by Coleman Barks)

Into heaven’s frame

Into heaven’s frame

10 October 2017

ophelia illusion scene360 com dorota-gorecka-01
Courtesy dorota Gorecka on


Water lilies float

Bed in no need for pillow

Yellow gold in pink


Leaves intertwined lay

Upon a still pond’s surface

Like sheen of my heart


The water whispers

To leaves and lilies molded

Into heaven’s frame


Reading of the poem: 

Written in the context of Ronovan writes weekly haiku challenge with words Heart and Need. Instructions/rules here

Raag Darbari flute by Ronu Majumdar