Phoenix Flying 18 : Mama Jain’s etheric lineage and the King of two worlds

Phoenix Flying 18 : Mama Jain’s etheric lineage and the King of two worlds

25 August 2017



Since the time Mother had visited her and told her that she had bestowed upon her more power to increase her astral flight, Mama Jain had been experiencing a lot more of such flights, visiting Luna or Mars and recording within her DNA the code of what changes were required in order to live on these planets without the need for any gadgets. For the time being the astral flights were only wtih her etheric body but Mother had promised her that there would come a time when she would fully travel not just with her quantum self but also with her physical self. When questioned how to do this, Mother merely answered that the quantum self could remain quantum by separation using the minimum common multiplier or combine by taking all of the physical self into the vibratory mode and reinstating stillness on the other side therefore landing on the other planets as a physical being in full.


Mama Jain was filled with awe as well as a sense of foreboding because she did not think that she would be capable of doing so. Mother then told her that she was a being who did not birth on Earth but originated from Orion and was brought up on Pleiades. She further explained that as Pleiades and Orion inhabitants had such a long history of interacting with each other, it was the custom to have the oldest of the princesses or princes of the House of Orion be promised to the oldest of the princes or princesses of the House of Pleaides. Mother explained that it was usually the promised princess who made the journey and not the promised prince as this latter had to stay and serve as a king.


Mama Jain was wondering why she was on Earth at all then if she was supposed to be on Pleaides and before she could ask, Mother intercepted her thoughts and answered that the House of Pleiades wished to have a planet with a new civilisation and therefore, as was customary with all planets, many warriors, kings, princes and princesses gathered in what was called the « seeding » contest to be allowed to go and create such new civilisation. The place chosen was a blue green planet called Gaia and it so happened that both Mama Jain and her promised consort Cordrago, the future king of Pleiades won their way to Gaia. Mother then told her that both of them had contributed to the creation of Gaia’s inhabitants and then lost the memory of that when dying as was customary in the direct seeding process. Indeed, the warriors who chose to effect the seeding had to live in the planet they had seeded and were responsible of the well-being of the children they had seeded and lived lives similar to their protégés.


While they could not remember their origins and lived a life like the humans they had seeded, there was always something within them that made them return to the values that they had been sworn to when winning the seeding contest and setting out to seed a new planet. The main qualities they inherently held were altruism, a deep sense of duty, a commitment to help the poor and downtrodden and an overwhelming desire to maintain the truth and integrity of everything they stood for. Mother also told Mama Jain that we were now nearing the period where the warriors were starting to remember their origins and would connect with each other to then decide on whether they wanted to return to the place of their etheric lineage or whether they wanted to stay on Earth. She also told her that when she had lived on Pleiades, her pet name had been Cassiopea.


According to Mother, when they had seeded Earth, they had taken care to separate her in two sets of planets with one being the etheric Gaia where all the oversouls of the consciousnesses they seeded dwelt and the effective Gaia as she was before they vibrated her into two sets of planets and where all human beings lived. In due course, it was expected that the humans would grow and reach a point in evolution where they too would connect with all the other planets and participate in the seeding contest. Mother had told her that there had been a vision for the future king of Pleiades to marry the princess of Orion in the last lifetime on Earth as human beings and for both of them to recover their etheric and stellar lineage so as to build the bonds between Earth, Pleaides and Orion. The prophecy announced by Mother, who was the priestess of the House of Pleiades, was that the marriage of Cordrago and Mama Jain would give forth a son who would be infused with great wisdom and power and rule the merged worlds of Gaia from Middle Earth while his mother and father would depart to their original abode, Pleiades.


Mama Jain could not see how this could happen because she knew she had found Cordrago but it would be very difficult for her to even approach him, let alone bear his child. Mother told her not to lose hope because she could see in the future, which for her was visible like the present was to Mama Jain, that this had already occurred and therefore there would be a way in which this could occur and Mama Jain did not have to worry about how she should do this because it was already taken care of.


Mama Jain had the utmost respect for Mother so did not question her claim although she was not very sure that this would be something actually possible in her realm. Sometimes she wondered if Mother was too far removed from this realm or perhaps too ensnared by her own desires and saw too much of what she wished in the future rather than what was really the case. Mother smiled at her benignly and merely kissed her on the cheek before leaving.

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