The endless waters

The endless waters

26 May 2016

karol bak e-news name
Courtesy Karol Bak on


Waking up

To a sleeping world

The words hurled

Weak symbols

Unmoved zombies barely stir

Hearts lost in idols


The mind whirled

In between Twin Times

The spaces

Give me rhymes

With shaking tongue I ring bells

Lost their ghostly chimes


Mothers weep

Their withered breasts hang

Unto grounds

Lost babies

Strive through caves of Netherworld

To pick up the whiff


Barren wombs

Replicate nothing

The free mind

A wild thing

Creation is in the thought

The seeing of blind


Fear the wrath

The priests shriek strident

The breath stale

They inhale

Emblem of love they impale

Downfall of mortals


Breathe the love

Says the inner self

Its stillness

Warm river

Coursing through my veins shiver

The endless waters


Reading of the poem: 

The moment – Vargo

7 thoughts on “The endless waters

    • Thank you Derrick. Another strong dreamtime one. I had to write it quickly and publish it though I did not get time to actually read it out. I’ll add a reading this evening.

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