Heart in shadows

Heart in shadows

28 May 2011


Hearts that lurk in murky shadows

Hearts that beat to count of many

Will work love and to the gallows

Pick thine, mine of heart just any

A million, a ten, a penny

Count again for thoughts you will haunt

Rose, Anne, Faith, Shirley or Jenny

A tear and a twist and a taunt

For love is but banner to flaunt

For those who seek many a fount

Of loss their faces grow not gaunt

All hilltops of love knaves would mount

Of baffling worlds some do recount

Shirking stallion meets frightened mare

Time to flag the hasty would count

To wait on the loved is to care

A bosom that loves comes so bare

Bearing wisdom knight’s heart once knew

Love is not but closure to share

A heart with a face peeping through

The bosom that beats only true

Heeds not acid tongues that complain

Takes of blue then a darker hue

Of treachery one is but slain

For love is but vessel of pain

That holds ne’er slightest morsel of joy

For those who remain Oh so vain

In lieu of heart present decoy


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