Renewing the glow

Renewing the glow
12 May 2016

star prisoner2004 com


As the night courses
Through my star filled synapses
I spill out my brains

A life in excess
Lived twined in a moonlit space
Sparing my pillow

Opposing forces
Running through my time lapses
A hen pecking grains

Lifetimes no recess
Saved through it all by the grace
Of moonlit willow

Come see miracles
Unfolding from my fingers
The linings ensconce

Lows to pinnacles
Of high pitches the singers
Sing odes in response

Come hear the lost chants
Forgotten bards hold the lyre
For melodies flow

Unspoken the rants
The hearts to balance aspire
Renewing the glow


Reading of the poem: 

Blue playingwiththeuniverse blogspot com 2


Tere Bina Zindagi Se Koi Shikwa By Alka Yagnik & Hariharan