Stirring the waters

Stirring the waters

22 August 2017

silence gaiaonline com normal_angelinwater


Woven tight

Nights pastures bereave

Shaking light

Knitted tight

The blaze appearing flashes

In between lashes


See trouble

Seething through my veins

Crumpled beds

Unshorn heads

Shaking limbs when he remains

King of my castle


Body double

Stirring the waters

Kindling flames

Winding trees

Rhapsody that drew the bees

Into my kingdom


Reading of the poem:  

deviantart com high_priestess_water_by_autumnsgoddess-d41p5mr

Marcas de Ayer – Adriana Mezzadri

A collateral damage

A collateral damage

15 July 2016

collateral youtube com


Heads or tails

Tossing the quarter

Writhing snails

Pass the test

We made it through the unrest

Barely with a hair


We played piece

Like in ancient Greece

Lives a dime


Like a million in my rhyme

Going through intent


I had him

In softening plea

Would I be

Like other

A collateral damage

He looked whispered no


Reading of poem: 

collateral via lu

Shiva Tandava Stotram