The Frost Chronicles 6: The secret world of the Marid part 4

The Frost Chronicles 6: The secret world of the Marid part 4

7 May 2020

Courtesy Christian Schloe


The Marid seemed to sense her presence shortly after she had sunk into the ground and turned to scrutinize her. They did not seem hostile but neither did they seem friendly nor happy that she was there among them. Some of them were whispering to each other and pointing towards her. Others were looking back and forth at her and at her half-father. They seemed to be making some connection. Her half-father rose from his throne laying the scepter aside and made his way through the half circle to where she was.


  • You should not be here, he said in her mind
  • I needed to see you, she answered
  • This is not the right time. I will come to you later or tomorrow
  • I need your help now
  • I am sure this can wait. I sense what you need to ask of me and this can wait. I have an important meeting now.
  • I will go then but I am not sure how to get out of here. It seemed very natural to sink into the ground but now I feel stuck and cannot rise out of here.


In a flash she felt herself lifted and the Marid had transported her back into her flat. She had not even felt the resistance of the ground nor did it even seem that time had gone by when she had been lifted into the outside. At the same time the part of her that was high in the skies reintegrated her as if she were a bubble. It made her think of soap bubbles sticking to each other and then forming another larger bubble. Without a further word, the Marid left her and returned to his meeting.



The Frost Chronicles 5: The secret world of the Marid part 3

The Frost Chronicles 5: The secret world of the Marid part 3

22 March 2020

Courtesy games workshop on Pinterest


With the second Marid now disappeared she had sat to think about potential new items that she could trade in this world for some money. The first item that crossed her mind was a device which, when secured at the bottom of where the pineal gland would fall upon at the base of the skull – if it had been able to fall, would cause the person to experience lucid dreaming or attain a high depending upon what their mindset was at the time of wearing it. She realized that this device would probably be too difficult to create on her own as it would have neuropulsers which was something that had not been discovered yet and that transmitted pulses into the brain from outside the skull. It would be developed in the future to activate and/or stabilize zones of the mind that were either not working or working erratically but as with all things scientific, a second usage would be attempted to escape reality.


She then thought that she should probably move to something which was not scientific but rather cultural or fashion based. She could see in her mind’s eye women wearing clothes made of plastic which had been conditioned so that it was almost as soft as silk on the skin. Again, however, she could not see what material had been used to condition the plastic for it to turn into a silk-like material so she realized that this too would be something she would have to forego. She then thought to herself that surely if she was able to see the end result, she should be able to see the transformation. She focused on the process of transforming plastic into a silk-like material and realized that this involved using amongst other items large amounts of balsamic vinegar and some hydrochloric acid. She thought that this was indeed a funny process and delved within her mind to discover the other items required.


After she had made a list of the items, she realized that it would be so much easier for her to ask for the exact processes from the Marid. She realized that the second Marid, her would-be father, was probably the best to ask about these matters. She had not, however, invoked him so she did not know his special name to call upon him unlike the first Marid. She knew, however, that she should be able to visit the world of the Marid as she was half Marid herself. She went within into the silent consciousness mode and thought of the Marid world as he had mentioned it to her and she could instantly feel herself splitting into it. It was as if she was disappearing into the ground while at the same time flying away in the skies. Present, past and future were but just one space that she was floating in. She could see from the skies only one woman and one man. It was as if all the male components on Earth had summed up to just one man and all the female components into one woman.


The part of her that sunk into the ground could see a gathering of Marids. They were just like a haze of clouds trapped under the Earth. It was very warm down in the Earth and not cold as she had expected given the cold air above the Earth. The Marid seemed to be having a reunion of some sort and were gathered in a half circle. At the top of the semi-circular pattern, a bit separated from the rest of the haze around her, her would-be half father was seated holding a golden scepter…


Gurdjieff – Oriental Suite – [N4,N5 Metropole Orchestra]