All blood same red lace

All blood same red lace
15 October 2023
of erased nation
A death toll 
on both sides
leads nowhere as the fear rides
to uneven poll

the clock strikes
unequal death chimes
we surmount
the war crimes
our memory a closed tap
bodies our minds wrap

Live cocoons
shelter vivid thoughts
we see not what then transpired
as thousands expired

Fed through spoons
weather-beaten words
Flimsy talks
forceful walks 
to the other side of hope
a yearning to cope

Warning call
lost time to recall
regret stitched
within layers of the brain
lesson to retain

The legs pace
unknown surfaces
riddled lanes
absorb pains
of humanity’s disgrace 
all blood same red lace

Reading of the poem: 
Yael Deckelbaum - Prayer Of The Mothers

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