The love you give

The love you give

2 July 2020



She did not see him often over whatsapp these days as he was usually busy with his work and then would just crash on his couch to forget the stress of the day. She felt she should ask him to be more available but it was only three months since they met on a dating site and she felt it might be premature to ask more of his time. She decided instead to be less available herself to avoid the feeling of discomfort she felt when waiting for him to be available. She thought it absurd that at the beginning of their relationship they should already be behaving like an old couple each with their own interests and hardly available for each other.


She could hear skype ringing in the background. She glanced at her laptop and saw that it was him. For some reason he did not seem to want to use whatsapp. Her finger paused over the answering button and she slowly withdrew it. She let the laptop ring again as he persisted. She slowly inched out of the view of the camera as if he could see her even without her answering the skype call. She wondered if she was being childish but then again she wanted to be needed and not always readily available at his beck and call while he had been so unavailable the past days.


She returned to her laptop once the skype call had stopped and started watching videos. Her whatsapp starting ringing and she could see it was him again. She almost answered before checking herself and keeping her hands tightly to her sides. The phone buzzed and she could see it was him again. A message appeared on her screen “Where are you. I need to talk to you”. She could hardly contain herself so she made a trip to the bathroom where she plucked her eyebrows conscientiously.


She returned after a while. There were several messages. She read through them slowly and one caught her attention. It said “I feel I don’t deserve you sometimes. I am just overwhelmed by the day’s work and hardly have any energy and you are always there with so much energy and kindness. I want to make it up to you, to be a better partner. I want to deserve you. The love you give, it is unique. Call me when you are free”. She smiled. Her finger hovered over the button to the right of his image. He seemed to look at her pleadingly. She pressed the button and saw his face come alive instantaneously. “Hi”…


Rumi ♡ – Choose Love

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