Sketch and song of Eva Cassidy

Sketch and song of Eva Cassidy

19 August 2017


I was listening to this beautiful soul’s songs and had an urge to connect with her in a deeper way so made a sketch of her.


I listened to a number of her songs while I drew and while Autumn leaves was the one I felt she sang with the most fervour, I liked more, for personal reasons, her interpretation of Ain’t no sunshine. The version I had always favoured was Bill Withers but I think she does this as splendidly as he did.


I hope you enjoy both the sketch and the song.

Eva Cassidy


Ain’t no sunshine – Eva Cassidy

Tango sketches

Tango sketches

19 August 2017


A couple of days ago, I was pondering on my love for tango and decided that I needed to express it somehow as I was not dancing much of late. The result is a series of study sketches based on videos I viewed of tango dances. I am not sure which one to choose to convert into an oil painting or an aquarelle.

Please do suggest and perhaps I will go with the most popular one. Thanks for all your views and comments in advance.


Tango 2

Tango 3

Tango 4


Tango 5


Chicho y Juana tango Bajofundo) Mantova TF 2008