Good morning sunshine

Morning has broken, another bone in me

And whether I face it or whether I’d flee

The sun rises and on me pounces in glee

Stricken I’m standing on a quaking knee


13 December 2010


When the rooster crows, I finally start

I realize that it is morning rise yet anew

My tired eyes from floor to ceiling dart

Of hours of sleep this month but a few


My hair keeps falling in packs and lumps

For gift of dawn this price again I will pay

The chill of ill cools me with goose bumps

Announcing of mine glossy skin the decay


In wake of morning I turn an ashen face

To peering light shining on the early dew

My mind goes still though without solace

As thoughts through it will race and skew


And as the day wakes so does the dance

I would yet steel myself for this mine play

Good morning, let us rejoice and prance

And sing to glory yet another bright day


A heaving heart would chance to meet

With fate of brewery and many a mew

And though I never shared such a treat

I wish and wish a drunken state I knew


In drunken stupor them words I’d flaunt

Knowing not a sense in the words I say

With my sad mimics well-wishers I taunt

So they’d leave me alone without delay
