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(c) Geetha Prodhom / No works from within the contents of these links may be reproduced without the author’s explicit authorisation.

(c) Geetha Prodhom / Aucune des oeuvres existant ou liées à cette page ne peuvent être reproduites sans l’autorisation expresse de l’auteur.

6 thoughts on “Photography

    • Thank you Henry. I shall have a look at your blog this weekend or when I have time during the week. If you love creative pursuits I have no doubt there will be much creative work on your blog.


  1. It seems like every time I go browsing through your blog’s menu, I find more treasures … I am really amazed at the sheer amount of creative output represented in this blog of yours, even more so when I consider that what’s here may only be scratching the surface of your creative potential!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you. That is quite a compliment and I have to admit that art and creation are part of a world that I feel a very strong kinship with. I dance (tango and freestyle) and I did try singing as well but did not follow a formal training apart from a few weeks of an attempt in formal training to become a mezzo soprano in Geneva 🙂 The result is very much of a singing in the shower attitude which I have kept although I have been brave enough to venture out and put some of my trials on YouTube. I did it mainly for my poetry for which I composed melodies and sang the result but also for some songs I liked.


      • Dancing … this is something I do not do, although I will admit that I admire some forms of classical pair dancing. But from a distance, so everyone else remains safe 😉 But now you have let the cat out of the bag about your singing efforts, and I would really enjoy hearing your voice, if you would care to post a link to some of your YouTube clips? If you would prefer, you can also send me a link by E-mail (my E-mail address is located in the sidebar of my blog). Or, if not at all, then I will still have plenty to do, going through your blog 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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