I see you, I love you, I miss you

I see you, I love you, I miss you


I see you

With the eye of my mind, I see you

Your body you can unwind, I hear you

Immobile, hands intertwined, I feel you

Your heart is one of a kind, I know you


I know you

With the sorrows that you cloak, I know you

With anguish in which you soak, I feel you

Though your voice ends in a croak, I hear you

Your mind is just so bespoke, I see you


I love you

Though my soul you did harrow, I love you

You flew off like a sparrow, I lost you

To the bone, to its marrow, I hurt you

And as my walls grew narrow, I cursed you


I cursed you

Not once did my brow furrow, I cursed you

With all hate I could borrow, I hurt you

A journey of such sorrow, I lost you

Twas dream without a morrow, I love you


I miss you

Salty teardrops in the rain, I miss you

Love has come and gone again, I need you

But my wait was not in vain, I reach you

Gone is past and present pain, I kiss you


I kiss you

Away with the pain, heartache, I kiss you

For yours, mine and our own sake, I reach you

Never again the mistake, I need you

Alas, again, I now wake, I miss you




Across time, treading so softly

I move, the world’s oblivious to me

In awkward motion, most gingerly

I pace in mind prints left by thee


How to walk without leaving a trace

How to live without a shadow cast

How to look again upon your face

With no remembrance of the past?


Cold memories grip, whip me bare

Suffering was never my choice

Of misery I have had a fair share

When will I reach a place to rejoice


The will is strong but the heart so weak

Lessons, it seems, I have learnt so few

Peace and oblivion I desperately seek

Oh but to be dead again and born anew.