The Body Rider 3 : Quizzical responses

The Body Rider 3 : Quizzical responses

15 March 2020

Courtesy Bojan Jevtic

She continued her whirling feeling lighter as she slowly connected both to the skies and the Earth at the same time. He seemed to have left the threshold and entered the room and she felt his silent mood grow. It was as if he was trying to figure out how best to tackle the fact that she was now ignoring all his taunts. He wondered then whether he should just dismiss her from his life as he could have virtually anyone he wanted to have. Was he not the ultimate saviour? She spiraled higher into the bliss provoked by the sensation of the sufi whirling. He disappeared from her thoughts as the feelings of bliss got more intense.


He sensed her escaping his reach and riled against it. It was not that she was pretty or intelligent, it was something beyond the physical and the intellectual, it was something related to her metaphysical ability to elude him despite his alchemy skills. He, who prided himself on being a master of alchemy was unable to bend her mind and soul so that she would be just another creature submitting to his will. The challenge tickled and irritated him all at once. He could see now that she was slowing down her sufi whirling and attempted a new line of action he had never attempted before. He tried to scare her.


She could feel the building up of his anger now behind her but she merely mirrored it back at him from within her peace. She could see with her mind’s eye how he struggled against his own anger before overcoming it by transforming it again into nothingness. She could sense his amazement and the questions welling within him on how she could have acquired the skill of reducing all his psychic attacks to something sent back to him. Was she no longer pining for him like she used to? Was there no longer that initial love present that he could transfigure into hate and thereby into fear? She merely smiled back at him. Look at the skies how they smile, she said and he felt strangely lightheaded as she uttered those words.


Summer Wine – Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazelwood