
In scent’s memory

Written by dark fate

I slithered back home

Hanging tree now lit

Victim of the ploy

Of innocence lost

The death of her dreams

Now ready to dry

Wet eyes follow stars

In branches of light

Germs in each corner

The sea progresses

Heads covered in fuzz

Symbol of demise

Setting boundary

A flag flying high

The ticks clung on hard

Quiet times restored

The soul sits so still

The way of the breath

A goodbye to royalty

Music flooded head

Pray fall into heart 

Wet grass tickled feet

The dust had settled

Trace of red teardrops

Prince of Peace anew

Serenity sweeps

Humans united

The waters flowed calm

A thousand answers

All rage now vanquished

Words interrupted

Multiverse exhales

My heart hummed wild songs

Multiverse forming

Stillness of my breath

My chest blazed alight

Initiation settled

In transformation

A heron looked on

Recreating Life

Catch me when I fall

Solid ground denied

I am all though none

Toward river bank

Around shape of things

In love we gathered

The river racing

Our future is bright

Ocean greets me kin

Burning memories

A sunshine eclipse

Carried by the breeze

When dark contains sight

Shadows in my eyes

Keep the joy in you

Sad sighs in between

Bright lights in the sky

The unknown facets

Shores undivided

Children face the light

Bitter aftertaste

On the road to redemption

Show me an arrow

The Gods are sleeping

Death converts to life

Sums of nothingness


Soul between two worlds

United in Love

Fleeting memories

It rained in my Heart

Stormy weather stains

Passion’s hue

Mani pulite


Mutation intent

Humming bird journey

The awakening

Bubbles in the mind

Sunny times reeking

Walking through the throngs

Crossing wilderness

My lover’s dances

The weightless measure of things

Seagulls Homecoming

The Time Traveler

The restless hornets

A place of Beauty

In my mind

Overcoming thoughts of You

Picking up the pieces right

In the ship directions sail

Soffio di sale / Breath of salt / Un souffle de sel

The days of the bloom

The scent of musk and jasmine

Rosso di Cuore / The carmine of Heart / Le pourpre du Coeur

Life in the Open

In Love Eternal

Tabula rasa

In the name of Love

Neverending Love

In Heart binding vows

Where Earth sprinkles Air

Traveler speaks not


Meet me in July

Of love in our eyes

Like ghosts in the rain

Renewing the glow

When the fear is laid

As new suns arise

تلك الكلمات / Those translucent words

As He leads me Home

Tomorrow’s pathways

Talk to me of bliss

Infused Lake Como

The Path of the Faith

Unruly minor

As spring makes its way

The timeless unwound

To where I will bloom

Man and sun conspired

My Heart will not sleep

Writing Neverland

Trinity within my Blues

Set against moonfall

Life sprouts from passing

The untarnished Twelve

I will Heal your Soul

Heavenly Father

Blood in the moonlight

Breaking sentiment

I crossed the river

Dark Matter’s ink diluted

Remembering to forget

Of mice and dices

Read me a story

Universal Harmony

It was tea for Two

Before it escapes my reach

I cannot sleep the night through

How do you crush an Angel?

Humanity stuck in throat (With Love only Creed)

A Tale of wincing virtues

What did you say your name was?

Hit and miss never

Deeper shades of Blues

A walk on waters

A promise whirls wind

Disappearing act

A Journey of no return

A roadmap to Bliss

Come dance this lifetime away

A Winter to remember

Perhaps one Winter

Extra sensitivity

Waters filled my Heart

Softly I will fade

Hello Heartbreak my old friend

When youth and beauty did fade

Heartbeat my Essence

Replicating cells

Molecular wave

I won’t let you go!

Into light shades of Balance

Breathing under the waters

In the silence of my Heart

As a closing, I would like to share with you that I always thought that what I wrote in the classical Haiku format which follows the 5-7-5 rule in writing every stanza was considered Haiku. A fellow blogger (FT Ledrew) alerted me to the fact that Haïkus only mentioned nature and that anything which included human emotions was rather called Senryu so I created a new section called Senryu where I will be adding those poems which are written in Haiku format but speaking of other than nature. I will perhaps still maintain some of the poems under the old label Haiku as it would take too much time to migrate all of the existing ones and some people actually told me they go straight to the Haiku section as they prefer reading short poems.
I also found out on browsing the web that actually the distinction is not so clear. Indeed, when there is a mix between references to nature and to human foibles, the poem could well be a Senryu and a Haiku. For more information on this topic I find fascinating please see

Besides some poems I write have one or more Haikus within them as well as one or more Senryus.  I hope you enjoy the above.

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