Alternate Realities – Chapter Five : The World in between

Alternate Realities – Chapter Five : The World in between

21 April 2019

feedme Helena Nelson Reed

Horus looked at her surprised face and asked “Did you not know I would come to guide you?”

  • No, she answered. I thought it was an angelic guide
  • There are angels too but their mission is else. They are responsible for managing the overarching system of the multiverse. The gods that I belong to are responsible only for this universe. We do not manage what is happening in other universes
  • So each universe has its own gods?
  • Do you find that surprising? – he laughed throatily. In just one world you have managed to have so many gods. It should not surprise you that there are many more in the other universes of the multiverse.
  • How do the gods manage not to fight over universes?
  • Well they actually do fight.
  • They seem to be very humane gods. If there is one thing that makes them similar to humans it would be the desire for additional conquests then.
  • We are not the source. The source does not need to fight. It owns all, it is all.
  • Do you fight with other gods?
  • I had to a very long time ago and I might have to again. You will help me fight. You and the children of the world in between.
  • Children?
  • Yes, neither human, nor gods, neither flesh nor spirit but a combination of both, capable of living in both worlds and changing as the circumstances require.
  • Where are they now? Are they ready to fight for you?
  • They are not ready yet. It will take time for that. I need to get you ready first. That is why I had come to guide you.


She was a bit puzzled at all of this. What had this got to do with getting rid of her fears and moving into higher realms? If this was what the higher realms were made of then she was not sure that she wanted any of it. She had a hard time already trying to reconcile the fact that humans only thought of getting more for themselves and were ready to slaughter each other for that, if the gods too were like that, she was not sure she wanted to be involved with them at all.


  • It is not the same thing. We do not fight pettily. Some of us are gods of the light and others gods of the dark. In the beginning the source created us equal and gave each group of us a world to manage but some gods wanted to have more worlds than the one they were assigned. They were mainly the gods of the dark. They wanted darkness to be spread all over the universe so we had to fight them as they were pitilessly slaughtering the beings under their care.
  • Why did the source not intervene?
  • The source is convinced that balance will prevail, automatically. You have to understand that for the source, all that you are going through, all the lifetimes of the humans and the beings on the other worlds are like a tiny speck of dust in comparison to its existence. The source will wait and will not intervene and that wait could be billions of years for humans and the other beings so we have to fight.
  • Who are we meant to fight? How do you fight gods?
  • There is one god who started this and who gathered all the other gods of the dark under his command. He is called Settesh. If we overcome Settesh, then all the other gods of the dark will cease their hostilities and relinquish the worlds they conquered to their rightful owners.
  • Is the Earth conquered
  • Yes, it is one of those worlds that was conquered.
  • Who did it originally belong to?
  • It belonged to me and my parents. Settesh killed my father and partly took over this world. When I was ready to fight him my mother taught me the ways but it was only half a victory and we were never able to shake his hold of this world.
  • How could he have partly conquered it. I don’t understand.
  • It is conquered by fear. As long as humans vibrate to the energy of fear, it will remain under his control. From time to time there is a large manifestation of love and that is when his grip becomes weak but as long as there are humans who fear, this world will never be fully ours and humans will never enter the Golden Age of their history.


She realised that what he was saying made sense. It had always seemed to her that fear had a debilitating effect on humans and she understood why he had been so insistent that she get rid of the fear before the ascension to the land of all beginnings. She had let the fear control her and her ascension had been a difficult experience. She understood now why the Mother had not been more welcoming. Burdened by fear she was more a tool of Settesh than a warrior of the light. The Mother and Toth had still weighed her deeds and given her the token so surely they thought she would still be helpful to them. She vowed to her self that she would start meditating more and concentrating on the light so that she could fill herself with it and merge with the sensation of universal love she felt when meditating.


  • Let us go, he said
  • I am ready but where are we going?
  • To the world in between. It is a continuum of the land of all beginnings so your token will help you get there.


She energised her heart and crown chakras before vibrating her heart to activate the token. The walls dilated and contracted before disappearing altogether. She felt the motion of a joyride as her consciousness slid into the other world. It was like falling endlessly through a well except that she had to steer herself to avoid being sucked into the holes on the sides which lead to nothingness. Horus on the other hand did not need to slide, he simply dematerialised and materialised from one world to another. He halted her consciousness and she slid through a small opening in the spiral. They had reached the world in between and he explained that the children were waiting for them. She steadied herself to get rid of the swaying feeling and looked around. There were at least hundred of them gathered around and slowly moving towards them. She let out a gasp of surprise. These were not any children. They were dragons!


Deliver us – Shinnobu

Like a Shadow – Shinnobu

After of my Life – Shinnobu


6 thoughts on “Alternate Realities – Chapter Five : The World in between

  1. This story has me ready for the next episode. For some reason I’m wondering if the Egyptian gods will band together with some of the Hindu gods to fight the evil elements of various worlds.

    Will they access gods from other Dimensions like West Africa and Native American gods? Fascinating!

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